它创建临时 php 文件并包含它。
function eval2($c) {
$auto_clean_old_temporary_files=false; //checks old temporary eval2 files for this spesific temporary file names generated by settings below
$ignore_all_errors=true; //if you ignore errors you can remove temporary files even there is an error
$tempfiledirectory=''; //temporary file directory
$tempfileheader='eval2_'; // temporary file header
$tempfiletimeseperator='__'; // temporary file seperator for time
$tempfileremovetimeout=200; // temp file cleaning time in seconds
if ($auto_clean_old_temporary_files===true) {
$sd=scandir('.'); //scaning for old temporary files
foreach ($sd as $sf) {
if (strlen($sf)>(32+strlen($tempfileheader)+strlen($tempfiletimeseperator)+3)) { // if filename long enough
$t1=substr($sf,(32+strlen($tempfileheader)),strlen($tempfiletimeseperator)); //searching time seperator
$t2=substr($sf,0,strlen($tempfileheader)); //searching file header
if ($t1==$tempfiletimeseperator && $t2==$tempfileheader) { //checking for timeseperator and file name header
unset($ef[count($ef)]);//removing file extension
$nsf=implode('.',$ef);//joining file name without extension
$tm=(int)end($ef); //getting time from filename
if ($tmf>$tempfileremovetimeout && $tmf<123456 && $tmf>0) { // if time passed more then timeout and difference with real time is logical
unlink($sf); // finally removing temporary file
$n=$tempfiledirectory.$tempfileheader . md5(microtime().rand(0,5000)). $tempfiletimeseperator . time() .'.php'; //creating spesific temporary file name
$c='<?php' . PHP_EOL . $c . PHP_EOL; //generating php content
file_put_contents($n,$c); //creating temporary file
if ($ignore_all_errors===true) { // including temporary file by your choise
return $s;