
    {"group":{"key":"Chinese","title":"Chinese","shortTitle":"Chinese","recipesCount":0,"description":"Chinese cuisine is any of several styles originating from regions of China, some of which have become increasingly popular in other parts of the world – from Asia to the Americas, Australia, Western Europe and Southern Africa. The history of Chinese cuisine stretches back for many centuries and produced both change from period to period and variety in what could be called traditional Chinese food, leading Chinese to pride themselves on eating a wide range of foods. Major traditions include Anhui, Cantonese, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Szechuan, and Zhejiang cuisines. ","rank":"","backgroundImage":"images/Chinese/chinese_group_detail.png", "headerImage":"images/Chinese/chinese_group_header.png"},
    "title":"Abalone Egg Custard",
    "shortTitle" : "Abalone Egg Custard", 
    "perServing":"65kcal / 2.2g fat",
    "rating": 3 , 
    "directions":["Step 1.","Step 2.","Step 3.","Step 4.","Step 5."],
    "healthytips":["Tip 1","Tip 2","Tip 3"],
    "nutritions":["Calories 65kcal","Total Fat 2.2g","Carbs 4g","Cholesterol 58mg","Sodium 311mg","Dietary Fibre 0.3g"],
    "ingredients":["1 head Napa or bok choy cabbage","1/4 cup sugar","1/4 teaspoon salt","3 tablespoons white vinegar","3 green onions","1 (3-ounce) package ramen noodles with seasoning pack","1 (6-ounce) package slivered almonds","1 tablespoon sesame seeds","1/2 cup vegetable oil"]}

我将如何将其保存在数据库中?导致一天结束时我必须从数据库中读取并能够使用 webapi 解析它


2 回答 2


CLOB如果长度可能超过 varchar 的限制,请将其作为数据库中的数据类型保留。

于 2012-08-07T03:23:45.127 回答


您使用的是什么数据库——它是关系、对象还是 no-sql?如果您从无 sql 的角度来看 - 将其保存为一个整体可能很好。从 RDBMS 的角度来看(如 SQL Server),您将所有字段映射到一组相关表中的一系列行。如果您使用的是关系数据库,那么仅仅在数据库中插入未解析、未验证的 JSON 文本块是错误的做法。为什么还要雇用一个提供 DRI 的数据库呢。

您的问题中包括您将使用哪种类型的数据操作——可以是 linq to sql,可以是直接 ADO,像 Dapper、Massive 或 PetaPoco 这样的微型 ORM,像 Entity Framework 或 NHibernate 这样的成熟 ORM .


在 WebAPI 中解析在 WebApi
中从 JSON 转换为 Object 或从 Object 转换为 JSON 很容易。特别是对于 JSON,JSON.Net 格式化程序就在附近。您可以从这里这里这里这里开始

然而,从概念上讲,您似乎缺少了 WebAPI 的魔力。使用 WebAPI,您可以以本机状态返回对象(如果需要 OData 支持,则返回 IQueryable)。在您的函数调用完成后,Formatter 接管并根据客户端请求将其序列化为适当的形状。这个过程称为内容协商。这个想法是您的方法与格式无关,并且框架将数据序列化为您的客户想要的传输格式(xml、json 等)。


于 2012-08-07T12:42:16.663 回答