这是一些代码来解释我正在尝试做的事情。免责声明:我对 javascript 中的闭包概念不太满意,所以我可能会走错路。任何关于实现我想做的简洁方法的建议将不胜感激。
// FileUtils object.
var FileUtils = function () {
// Member variables.
this.ConfRootDir = null;
// Method to get a file entry.
// successCallback has to be a method with a FileEntry object.
FileUtils.prototype.getFileEntry = function (fileName, successCallback) {
if (this.ConfRootDir == null) {
var thisObj = this;
// Request the root filesystem
// [** 1st callback, using anon method]
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0,
function (fileSystem) {
// Get the root directory of the file system.
var rootDir = fileSystem.root;
// Get the ConferenceToGo directory, or create if required.
// [** 2nd callback, using anon method]
rootDir.getDirectory("ConferenceToGo", { create: true, exclusive: false },
function (confDir) {
// Set values for future use
// [** Definitely wrong scoping. The class level variable
// can't be accessed using 'this'. What to do? **]
this.ConfRootDir = confDir;
// Now try getting the handle for the list file.
// [** 3rd callback, using anon method. Irrelevant at this point.]
this.ConfRootDir.getFile(fileName, { create: false },
successCallback, // Success callback [getFile]
function (error) {
logError("Unable to retrieve file: ", true, true, error);
}); // Failure callback [getFile]
}, // Success callback [getDirectory]
function (error) { logError("Unable to create new directory: ", true, true, error); }); // Failure callback [getDirectory]
}, // Success callback [requestFileSystem]
function (error) { logError("Problem reading file system: ", true, true, error); }
我知道在上面的代码中,范围(通过使用'this')都是错误的,但不知道如何让它正确。我已经看到了一些关于绑定到上下文的答案(比如这个),但是我使用的是匿名方法,所以这让它变得更难了。注意:虽然我在这里只展示了 FileUtils 原型中的一种方法,但还有更多。