我目前正在阅读O'Reilly 的Intermediate Perl并尝试做其中的一个练习。我对 Perl 中的引用不熟悉,所以我希望我不会误解某些东西并错误地编写此练习。
但是,我尝试调试此代码,但无法得出智能匹配行每次都失败的结论。据我了解@array ~~ $scalar
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use 5.010;
my @rick = qw(shirt shotgun knife crossbow water);
my @shane = qw(ball jumprope thumbtacks crossbow water);
my @dale = qw(notebook shotgun pistol pocketprotector);
my %all = (
Rick => \@rick,
Shane => \@shane,
Dale => \@dale,
sub check_items_for_all {
my $all = shift;
foreach $person (keys %$all) {
$items = $all->{$person};
check_required_items($person, $items);
sub check_required_items {
my $who = shift; #persons name
my $items = shift; #reference to items array
my @required = qw(water crossbow);
"Analyzing $who who has the following items: @$items. Item being compared is $item \n"
foreach $item (@required) {
unless (@$items ~~ $item) {
print "Item $item not found on $who!\n";