对于以下代码,我不断收到相同的 ValueError,我很难理解为什么会生成错误。据我了解,当将错误的值传递给函数时会生成此错误,但是,我真的不明白此错误告诉我什么。我花时间在网上和文档中搜索,但我无法理解我做错了什么。简单地说,为什么会产生这个错误?
import datetime
import ystockquote
def new_time(n):
fmt = "%Y%m%d"
end_date1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(n, fmt)
sixty_day = datetime.timedelta(days=60)
start_date = end_date1 - sixty_day
start_date1 = str(start_date)
start_date2 = start_date1[:4] + start_date1[5:7] + start_date1[8:10]
return start_date2
def average_atr():
print "Enter your stock symbol: "
symbol = raw_input(" ")
print "Enter the end date in (YYYYMMDD) format: "
end_date = raw_input(" ")
start_date = new_time(end_date)
initial_list = ystockquote.get_historical_prices('symbol', 'start_date', 'end_date')
def start():
这是 ystockquote 的相关代码:
def get_historical_prices(symbol, start_date, end_date):
Get historical prices for the given ticker symbol.
Date format is 'YYYYMMDD'
Returns a nested list.
url = 'http://ichart.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=%s&' % symbol + \
'd=%s&' % str(int(end_date[4:6]) - 1) + \
'e=%s&' % str(int(end_date[6:8])) + \
'f=%s&' % str(int(end_date[0:4])) + \
'g=d&' + \
'a=%s&' % str(int(start_date[4:6]) - 1) + \
'b=%s&' % str(int(start_date[6:8])) + \
'c=%s&' % str(int(start_date[0:4])) + \
days = urllib.urlopen(url).readlines()
data = [day[:-2].split(',') for day in days]
return data
请注意,上面的 ystockquote 代码不是完整的代码。