当你连接一个插座时,路由器会同时寻找一个控制器和一个与提供的同名的视图。在您列出的示例中,路由器正在寻找 FooController 和 FooView,但没有找到控制器。如果你想指定更多细节,你可以传递一个带有视图、控制器和上下文的选项对象,如下所示:
router.get('applicationController').connectOutlet( {
outletName: 'master',
controller: 'fooController',
view: 'fooView',
context: data
connectOutlet: function(name, context) {
// Normalize arguments. Supported arguments:
// name
// name, context
// outletName, name
// outletName, name, context
// options
// The options hash has the following keys:
// name: the name of the controller and view
// to use. If this is passed, the name
// determines the view and controller.
// outletName: the name of the outlet to
// fill in. default: 'view'
// viewClass: the class of the view to instantiate
// controller: the controller instance to pass
// to the view
// context: an object that should become the
// controller's `content` and thus the
// template's context.