when i convert to maven project the error is :

> An internal error occurred during: "Updating Maven Project".
> Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4

what's the problem?


10 回答 10


This is all you need:

  1. Right-click on your project, select Maven -> Disable Maven Nature.
  2. Open you terminal, go to your project folder and do “mvn eclipse:clean”</li>
  3. Right click on your Project and select “Configure -> Convert into Maven Project”</li>
于 2012-11-24T21:32:13.910 回答

Here is what worked for me: After the steps posted in Answer 21 above (the last being Convert to Maven Project), I did:

  1. mvn eclipse:eclipse - this regenerates your .project and .classpath files (both of which were blown away by mvn eclipse:clean in step (2) above)

  2. In Eclipse, I right-clicked my project(s) and then Maven > Update Project

I did not see the Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4 message anymore :)

于 2013-02-05T20:19:16.013 回答

As posted here, the problem is the command line eclipse project generation. So, do not use mvn eclipse:eclipse instead do:

  1. delete your project from eclipse (without deleting it from your file system)
  2. do mvn eclipse:clean in your command line inside your project folder
  3. delete .classpath .project .settings in your project folder (if they still exist after doing 2.)
  4. in eclipse import your project as an "Existing Maven Projects" and it should work flawlessly
于 2013-10-09T15:42:57.790 回答

Revert back to an earlier commit/change fixes the problem.... so it could be some corrupted project/mvn file issue, somehow. So, I followed the steps to clean up and then import the project.It worked after a couple attempts.

于 2013-04-18T13:05:52.123 回答

An internal error occurred during: "Importing Maven projects". Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4

  1. Right-click on your project, select Maven -> Remove Maven Nature. 2.Open you terminal, go to your project folder and do “mvn eclipse:clean” 3.Right click on your Project and select “Configure -> Convert into Maven Project”</li>

also delete project from eclipse. and run: mvn eclipse:clean then import project again.

于 2013-06-26T08:58:29.527 回答

In my case the problem was a .settings-folder commited to svn. it contained the wrong settings (in my case the jdk was set to wrong location). So deleting .settings on svn and doing a clean checkout did it.

于 2013-12-03T09:14:40.230 回答

Following worked for me: Right-click project, select Maven -> Remove Maven Nature. Close Eclipse go to project folder on command prompt and do “mvn eclipse:clean” Start Eclipse Right click on Project and select “Configure -> Convert into Maven Project”</p>

于 2014-04-09T18:44:06.187 回答

I meet the same problem before when I import a project as a maven project. what I did is like is right click project and choose Maven -> Update Project... (Alt-F5) on the context menu. In the Update Maven Project dialog, ensure that "Update project configuration from pom.xml" is checked. Then press OK.

The issue should be resolved.

Another way is, you go to Problem tab, and find the Error, there is a hint saying that right click it and use Quick fix to resolve the problem.

于 2014-07-11T14:13:29.683 回答

This issue has been fixed in m2e 1.5.0 which is available for Eclipse Kepler (4.3) and Luna (4.4)

Please see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=374332#c14

The problem is caused by the fact that STS (the Spring IDE/Eclipse), as well Eclipse and other Eclipse based IDE's, use the m2e(clipse) plugin but that eclipse:eclipse has been probably been run on the project. When m2e encounters a "var" .classpath entry, it throws this error.

The update sites are specified at the following url: http://download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/milestones/1.6/

于 2015-02-20T07:26:03.107 回答
  1. Switch to terminal and type command mvn eclipse:clean
  2. Right-click on you project, select Maven -> Update Project

Okay, everything is settled

于 2013-08-27T03:27:10.327 回答