我正在尝试采用两个“矩阵”类(稀疏矩阵)矩阵的元素最大值。我已经尝试过这个pmax(...)函数,它似乎适用于两个“正常”矩阵,但是当我传入两个稀疏矩阵时,它在 R 2.15 上给了我以下错误。

# Loading required package: lattice
v=Matrix(0,100,100); v[1,1]=1; 
# Error in pmax(v, x) : (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'logical'
# In addition: Warning message:
# In any(nas) : coercing argument of type 'list' to logical

3 回答 3


正如您发现pmax的那样,它不支持稀疏矩阵。原因是因为cbind不支持稀疏矩阵。的作者Matrix已经写cBind了相当于cbind. 如果您更改函数中的一行pmax,它可以正常工作:

pmax.sparse=function (..., na.rm = FALSE) 
    elts <- list(...)
    if (length(elts) == 0L) 
        stop("no arguments")
    if (all(vapply(elts, function(x) is.atomic(x) && !is.object(x), 
        NA))) {
        mmm <- .Internal(pmax(na.rm, ...))
    else {
        mmm <- elts[[1L]]
        attr(mmm, "dim") <- NULL
        has.na <- FALSE
        for (each in elts[-1L]) {
            attr(each, "dim") <- NULL
            l1 <- length(each)
            l2 <- length(mmm)
            if (l2 < l1) {
                if (l2 && l1%%l2) 
                  warning("an argument will be fractionally recycled")
                mmm <- rep(mmm, length.out = l1)
            else if (l1 && l1 < l2) {
                if (l2%%l1) 
                  warning("an argument will be fractionally recycled")
                each <- rep(each, length.out = l2)
            # nas <- cbind(is.na(mmm), is.na(each))
            nas <- cBind(is.na(mmm), is.na(each)) # Changed row.
            if (has.na || (has.na <- any(nas))) {
                mmm[nas[, 1L]] <- each[nas[, 1L]]
                each[nas[, 2L]] <- mmm[nas[, 2L]]
            change <- mmm < each
            change <- change & !is.na(change)
            mmm[change] <- each[change]
            if (has.na && !na.rm) 
                mmm[nas[, 1L] | nas[, 2L]] <- NA
    mostattributes(mmm) <- attributes(elts[[1L]])

# Works fine.
于 2012-08-06T16:46:54.793 回答

尝试这个。它连接矩阵输出,然后在成对summary分组后取最大值。(i, j)从某种意义上说,它也是可泛化的,您可以执行任何类型的元素操作,只需替换max为您选择的函数(或编写一个带FUN参数的通用函数)。

pmax.sparse <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE) {

   # check that all matrices have conforming sizes
   num.rows <- unique(sapply(list(...), nrow))
   num.cols <- unique(sapply(list(...), ncol))
   stopifnot(length(num.rows) == 1)
   stopifnot(length(num.cols) == 1)

   cat.summary <- do.call(rbind, lapply(list(...), summary))
   out.summary <- aggregate(x ~ i + j, data = cat.summary, max, na.rm)

   sparseMatrix(i = out.summary$i,
                j = out.summary$j,
                x = out.summary$x,
                dims = c(num.rows, num.cols))



N <- 1000000
n <- 10000
M1 <- sparseMatrix(i = sample(N,n), j = sample(N,n), x = runif(n), dims = c(N,N))
M2 <- sparseMatrix(i = sample(N,n), j = sample(N,n), x = runif(n), dims = c(N,N))
M3 <- sparseMatrix(i = sample(N,n), j = sample(N,n), x = runif(n), dims = c(N,N))
system.time(p <- pmax.sparse(M1,M2,M3))
#   user  system elapsed 
#   2.58    0.06    2.65


Error in .class1(object) : 
  Cholmod error 'problem too large' at file ../Core/cholmod_dense.c, line 106
于 2012-08-06T17:13:21.593 回答

修改 flodel 的答案(不能直接评论答案),通过使用 data.table 包加快对更大矩阵的计算。

使用原始的 flodel 版本运行:

> object.size(m1)
# 131053304 bytes
> dim(m1)
# [1] 8031286      39
> object.size(m2)
# 131053304 bytes
> dim(m2)
# [1] 8031286      39
> system.time(pmax.sparse(m1, m2))
# user  system elapsed 
# 326.253  21.805 347.969

将 cat.summary、out.summary 和结果矩阵的计算修改为:

cat.summary <- rbindlist(lapply(list(...), summary)) # that's data.table
out.summary <- cat.summary[, list(x = max(x)), by = c("i", "j")]

sparseMatrix(i = out.summary[,i],
             j = out.summary[,j],
             x = out.summary[,x],
             dims = c(num.rows, num.cols))


> system.time(pmax.sparse(m1, m2))
# user  system elapsed 
# 21.546   0.049  21.589 
于 2015-02-24T18:48:33.613 回答