当前损坏的代码:http: //jsfiddle.net/9F52n/2/



所以,我想我的问题是:用我定义 TBR 的方式定义嵌套类(单例或其他)的正确/最语义化的方式是什么?(function(){...})(window)

var TBR = (function() {
    // define local copy of taco bell run
    var TBR = function() {
        return new TBR.fn.init();
        message = "hello world!";

    TBR.fn = TBR.prototype = {
        constructor: TBR,
        init: function() {
            console.log("From TBR Constructor: " + message);

    var InstantiatableClass = function() {
        return new TBR.InstantiatableClass, fn.init();

   InstantiatableClass.fn =InstantiatableClass.prototype = {
        constructor: TBR.InstantiatableClass,
        init: function() {
            console.log("from InstantiatableClass: " + message);

    this.staticClass = function() {
        var subMessage = "little world";
        init = function() {
            console.log("from staticClass: " + subMessage);
    // expose TBR to the window object
    window.TBR = TBR;


1 回答 1

var InstantiatableClass = function() {
    return new TBR.InstantiatableClass, fn.init();

InstantiatableClass.fn =InstantiatableClass.prototype ...


function InstantiatableClass() {
    // common constructor things
TBR.InstantiatableClass = InstantiatableClass; // assign a "static" property

此外,您不应该 [需要] 覆盖原型。当然,唯一的区别是它constructor现在是可枚举的(只要它没有被遗忘),但以下内容会更清晰:

InstantiatableClass.fn = InstantiatableClass.prototype; // shortcut
InstantiatableClass.fn.init = function() { … };

哦,你想要像 jQuery 一样工作的东西。恕我直言,您不应该使构造函数 ( init) 成为原型的属性——这很奇怪,我看不出这样做的理由。我建议这段代码:

window.TBR = (function() {
    function TbrConstructor() {
    function InstantiableConstructor() {

    // Now, the creator functions:
    function TBR() { return new TbrConstructor; }
    function Instantiable() { return new InstantiableConstructor; }

    // Now, overwrite the "prototype" properties - this is needed for
    // (new TbrConstructor) instanceof TBR === true
    // and also create those fn shortcuts
    TBR.fn = TBR.prototype = TbrConstructor.prototype;
    Instantiable.fn = Instantiable.prototype = InstantiableConstructor.prototype;

    // we might overwrite the "constructor" properties like
    TBR.fn.constructor = TBR;
    // but I don't see much sense in that - they also have no semantic value

    // At last, make Instantiable a property on the TBR function object:
    TBR.Instantiable = Instantiable;
    // and then only
    return TBR;

// Usage

TBR(); // returns a TbrConstructor instance
TBR.Instantiable(); // returns a InstantiableConstructor instance
于 2012-08-06T14:59:57.117 回答