char foo()
         return 'c';
    void foo(char &&i)
         std::cout<<"foo(char &&i)"<<std::endl;
    struct pipe {};
    template<class OP>
    struct Flow;
    struct Flow<pipe> {
         template<class L,class R>
         static  auto apply(L&& l,R &&r)->decltype(r(std::forward<L>(l))) {
              return r(std::forward<L>(l));
    template<class L,class R,class E>
    struct Pipe;
    template<class F,class...ARGS>
    auto eval(F& f,ARGS&&... arg)->decltype(f(std::forward<ARGS>(arg)...))
        return f(std::forward<ARGS>(arg)...);
    template<class L,class R,class E,class...ARGS>
    auto eval(Pipe<L,R,E>&f,ARGS&&... arg)->decltype(Flow<E>::apply(eval(f.lhs,std::forward<ARGS>(arg)...),f.rhs))
        return Flow<E>::apply(eval(f.lhs,std::forward<ARGS>(arg)...),f.rhs);
    template<class L,class R,class E>
    struct Pipe {
         L lhs;
         R rhs;
         Pipe(L &l,R& r):lhs(l),rhs(r) {
           auto operator()(ARGS&&... arg)->decltype(eval<L,R,E >(*this,std::forward<ARGS>(arg)...)) {
                return eval<L,R,E >(*this,std::forward<ARGS>(arg)...);

     void streamtest()

        void (*foo1)(char &&)=foo;
        void (*foo2)(int ,int ,short )=foo;
        char (*foo3)()=foo;

        Pipe<char(*)(),void(*)(char&&),pipe> pp(foo3,foo1);



 \FEstream.cpp: In function 'void streamtest()':
 \FEstream.cpp:117:9: error: no match for call to '(Pipe<char (*)(), void (*)(char&&), pipe>) (int)'
 \FEstream.cpp:98:8: note: candidate is:
 \FEstream.cpp:104:13: note: template<class ... ARGS> decltype (eval<L, R, E>((* this), (forward<ARGS>)(Pipe::operator()::arg)...)) Pipe::operator()(ARGS&& ...) [with ARGS = {ARGS ...}; L = char (*)(); R = void (*)(char&&); E = pipe]
 \FEstream.cpp:104:13: note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
 \FEstream.cpp: In substitution of 'template<class ... ARGS> decltype (eval<L, R, E>((* this), (forward<ARGS>)(Pipe::operator()::arg)...)) Pipe::operator()(ARGS&& ...) [with ARGS = {ARGS ...}; L = char (*)(); R = void (*)(char&&); E = pipe] [with ARGS = {int}]':
 \FEstream.cpp:117:9:   required from here
 \FEstream.cpp:104:13: error: no matching function for call to 'eval(Pipe<char (*)(), void (*)(char&&), pipe>&, int)'
 \FEstream.cpp:104:13: note: candidates are:
 \FEstream.cpp:88:6: note: template<class F, class ... ARGS> decltype (f((forward<ARGS>)(eval::arg)...)) eval(F&, ARGS&& ...)
 \FEstream.cpp:88:6: note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
 \FEstream.cpp:104:13: note:   cannot convert '*(Pipe<char (*)(), void (*)(char&&), pipe>*)this' (type 'Pipe<char (*)(), void (*)(char&&), pipe>') to type 'char (*&)()'
 \FEstream.cpp:93:6: note: template<class L, class R, class E, class ... ARGS> decltype (Flow<E>::apply(eval(f.lhs, (forward<ARGS>)(eval::arg)...), f.rhs)) eval(Pipe<L, R, E>&, ARGS&& ...)
 \FEstream.cpp:93:6: note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
 \FEstream.cpp: In substitution of 'template<class L, class R, class E, class ... ARGS> decltype (Flow<E>::apply(eval(f.lhs, (forward<ARGS>)(arg)...), f.rhs)) eval(Pipe<L, R, E>&, ARGS&& ...) [with L = char (*)(); R = void (*)(char&&); E = pipe; ARGS = {int}]':
 \FEstream.cpp:104:13:   required by substitution of 'template<class ... ARGS> decltype (eval<L, R, E>((* this), (forward<ARGS>)(Pipe::operator()::arg)...)) Pipe::operator()(ARGS&& ...) [with ARGS = {ARGS ...}; L = char (*)(); R = void (*)(char&&); E = pipe] [with ARGS = {int}]'
 \FEstream.cpp:117:9:   required from here
 \FEstream.cpp:93:6: error: no matching function for call to 'eval(char (*&)(), int)'
 \FEstream.cpp:93:6: note: candidate is:
 \FEstream.cpp:88:6: note: template<class F, class ... ARGS> decltype (f((forward<ARGS>)(eval::arg)...)) eval(F&, ARGS&& ...)
 \FEstream.cpp:88:6: note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
 \FEstream.cpp: In substitution of 'template<class F, class ... ARGS> decltype (f((forward<ARGS>)(arg)...)) eval(F&, ARGS&& ...) [with F = char (*)(); ARGS = {int}]':
 \FEstream.cpp:93:6:   required by substitution of 'template<class L, class R, class E, class ... ARGS> decltype (Flow<E>::apply(eval(f.lhs, (forward<ARGS>)(eval::arg)...), f.rhs)) eval(Pipe<L, R, E>&, ARGS&& ...) [with L = char (*)(); R = void (*)(char&&); E = pipe; ARGS = {int}]'
 \FEstream.cpp:104:13:   required by substitution of 'template<class ... ARGS> decltype (eval<L, R, E>((* this), (forward<ARGS>)(Pipe::operator()::arg)...)) Pipe::operator()(ARGS&& ...) [with ARGS = {ARGS ...}; L = char (*)(); R = void (*)(char&&); E = pipe] [with ARGS = {int}]'
 \FEstream.cpp:117:9:   required from here
 \FEstream.cpp:88:6: error: too many arguments to function
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)

发生了什么事?是我的错误,还是 gcc 不符合 C++11?

///////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////

感谢 Dave S。但是,代码只是简化。事实上,我使用 templateEval::eval:

template<class L,class R,class E>
struct Pipe;

template<class F>
struct Eval {
     static auto eval(F&f,ARGS&&... arg)->decltype(f(std::forward<ARGS>(arg)...)) {
          return f(std::forward<ARGS>(arg)...);
template<class L,class R,class E>
struct Eval<Pipe<L,R,E> > {
     static auto eval(Pipe<L,R,E>&f)->decltype(Flow<E>::apply(f.lhs,f.rhs)) {
          return Flow<E>::apply(f.lhs,f.rhs);
     static void eval(Pipe<L,R,E>&f,ARGS&&...arg) {
                        "multiple input for expression\nsample: auto expr=wrap(foo1)<var1|foo2 ;call expr(var2) instead of expr()");
template<class L,class R>
struct Eval<Pipe<L,R,pipe> > {
     static auto eval(Pipe<L,R,pipe>&f,ARGS&&... arg)->decltype(Flow<pipe>::apply(Eval<L>::eval(f.lhs,std::forward<ARGS>(arg)...),f.rhs)) {
          return Flow<pipe>::apply(Eval<L>::eval(f.lhs,std::forward<ARGS>(arg)...),f.rhs);
template<class L,class R,class E>
struct Pipe {
     L lhs;
     R rhs;
     Pipe(L &l,R& r):lhs(l),rhs(r) {
   auto operator()(ARGS&&... arg)->decltype(Eval<Pipe>::eval(*this,std::forward<ARGS>(arg)...)) {
        return Eval<Pipe>::eval(*this,std::forward<ARGS>(arg)...);

         void streamtest()

            void (*foo1)(char &&)=foo;
            void (*foo2)(int ,int ,short )=foo;
            char (*foo3)()=foo;

            Pipe<char(*)(),void(*)(char&&),pipe> pp(foo3,foo1);
             //pp(); //no call!


  • FEstream.cpp:在“struct Eval >”的实例化中:
  • FEstream.cpp:121:9: 需要来自“结构管道”
  • FEstream.cpp:134:45:从这里需要
  • FEstream.cpp:110:18:错误:无效使用不完整类型“结构管道”

  • FEstream.cpp:115:8: 错误: 'struct Pipe void (*)(char&&), pipe>' 的声明

  • FEstream.cpp:110:18:错误:无效使用不完整类型“结构管道”
  • FEstream.cpp:115:8: 错误: 'struct Pipe void (*)(char&&), pipe>' 的声明

进程以状态 1 终止(0 分钟,0 秒)6 个错误,0 个警告

Pipe::operator()(ARGS&&... arg) 是一个模板成员函数。为什么我声明变量 Pipe(pp) 导致错误?它不应该被实例化,因为我没有使用它enter code here

有人吗?当管道使用 eval 函数时,我忘记了一个状态

   auto operator()(ARGS&&... arg)->decltype(eval(*this,std::forward<ARGS>(arg)...)) {
        return eval(*this,std::forward<ARGS>(arg)...);


   auto operator()(ARGS&&... arg)->decltype(eval<L,R,E>(*this,std::forward<ARGS>(arg)...)) {
        return eval<L,R,E>(*this,std::forward<ARGS>(arg)...);

会出现类似 reece 的错误:模板实例化深度超过最大值 900 .....

似乎是选择 Eval(F&.... 而不是 eval(Pipe&f..... 当不指定模板参数时


2 回答 2



Pipe<char(*)(),void(*)(char&&),pipe> pp(foo3,foo1);正在使用 foo3,它将 0 个参数作为它的L,而 foo1 将一个 char rvalue-reference 作为R。并且E是你的标记结构pipe

当使用 int 1 调用时。

pp(1)调用eval<L,R,E>(*this, 1),而后者又调用


首先,调用内部 eval。这试图确定 的 declval foo3(1),但是,foo3 被声明为采用 0 个参数。这会导致编译失败,从而导致您得到替换失败。

编辑:对于更改后的问题,您的问题现在是您正在创建Evalfor的专业化Pipe,但Eval正在尝试使用Pipe其返回声明中的字段(通过 decltype),并且Pipe正在做同样的事情。您将不得不打破该循环,以便可以首先定义某些内容,或者至少对其进行设置,以便在函数声明中不引入循环,因此您可以在完全定义这两种类型后定义方法.


于 2012-08-06T13:35:12.603 回答
于 2012-08-06T13:57:41.410 回答