We have an aspx page that needs a cookie in order to start. Before redirecting to that page, we create the cookie and it is given on the response then the redirect to the page.

Form form = new Form { 
            FormID = dalObject.FormID, 
            PageName = dalObject.PageName, 
            ViewPageName = dalObject.ViewPageName };

        HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("FormCookie");
        cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1);

        if (dalObject.FormID==(int)Forms.SP_APP_FORM)
            cookie.Values.Add("UserDirectoryID", GetEncryptedToken(userDirectoryID.ToString()));
            cookie.Values.Add("FormID", GetEncryptedToken(dalObject.FormID.ToString()));

            if (applicationFormID.HasValue)
                cookie.Values.Add("ApplicationFormID", GetEncryptedToken(applicationFormID.ToString()));
        form.PageCookie = cookie;
        return form;

The problem is that in the development environment it is working just fine, in production it is working too (for them), but if we try the production site, it does not work (from our development computers). We suspect the cookie doesn't get created. And this happens on 2 of 3 computers of the development. on one of them it is working. We tried to delete the cookies, clear cache, but no result.

Any ideas? Thanks


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我们将 cookie 的到期时间设置得更远(比如一周或一个月),然后只在服务器上进行检查(因为它应该自我检查)。基本上,我们在 cookie 中添加了额外的数据(手动到期时间),服务器可以使用它来进行检查。如果您认为它已过期(您设置的一分钟),则服务器将删除(并忽略)它发送的 cookie。


顺便说一句,我们只在 IE 上发现了这个问题。

于 2012-08-06T12:56:26.233 回答