使用 sampleTextEditor 中的这个示例,在浏览时我可以看到并且可以打开任何带有扩展名的文件 ( . )。如何打开没有扩展名的文件?
def defaultFileDialogOptions(self):
''' Return a dictionary with file dialog options that can be
used in both the save file dialog as well as in the open
file dialog. '''
return dict(message='Choose a file', defaultDir=self.dirname,
def askUserForFilename(self, **dialogOptions):
dialog = wx.FileDialog(self, **dialogOptions)
if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
userProvidedFilename = True
self.filename = dialog.GetFilename()
self.dirname = dialog.GetDirectory()
self.SetTitle() # Update the window title with the new filename
userProvidedFilename = False
return userProvidedFilename