I need to create a modified distribution (package?) of Eclipse 4.2 for Java EE Developers. It's going to be distributed to the team with all required plugins (should be ready for development out-of-the-box). I'm trying to use Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers to achieve this, but the documentation is mostly outdated and doesn't help much.

I fetched the original projects for Eclipse packages from http://git.eclipse.org/c/epp/org.eclipse.epp.packages.git/tree/packages. I'm using org.eclipse.epp.packages.jee and org.eclipse.epp.packages.jee.feature. I can launch it and I can export it, but there are two problems I've encountered:

  1. The launched and exported packages differ from the original Eclipse for Java EE Developers (contains unneeded plugins - e.g. for RCP, and also the hierarchy in Help -> About Eclipse -> Installation details is a little different).
  2. I can't find any way to automatically resolve dependencies (the product is based on features) - in order to export the package without any "missing import/package" errors I had to add an existing unzipped Eclipse for Java EE Developers package in Window -> Preferences -> Plug-in Development -> Target Platform.

Is there any way to build the package without differences from the original version? And what is the proper way of handling missing plugins/dependencies?


1 回答 1



  1. 下载 Eclipse 4.2 Java EE 包
  2. 下载 RCP 版本。

调用您的 RCP 版本的 p2 控制器,将来自内容存储库的包安装到您的 JEE 包中。例如,请参阅http://help.eclipse.org/galileo/index.jsp?topic=/org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv/guide/p2_director.htmlhttp://wiki.eclipse.org/ Equinox_p2_director_application/Examples/Install_into_eclipse_using_SDKProfile

于 2012-08-06T12:16:39.997 回答