是否可以根据浏览器#tag 使用 jQuery/js 更改表单操作 Url?
这是我目前使用的标签 js,我也在使用 jQuery 地址插件:
var QTABS = {
init: function () {
// attached onload and change event to address plugin
$.address.init(function(event) {
// first load, set panel
}).change(function(event) {
// if the url changes, set panel
// the core function to display correct panel
setPanel: function (event) {
// grab the hash tag from address plugin event
var hashtag = event.pathNames[0];
// get the correct tab item, if no hashtag, get the first tab item
var tab = (hashtag) ? $('.tabs li a[href=#' + hashtag + ']') : $('.tabs li:first a');
// reset everything to default
$('.tabs li').removeClass('activeTab');
$('.tab_container .tab_content').hide();
// if hashtag is found
if (hashtag) {
// set current tab item active and display correct panel
$('.tab_container .tab_content:eq(' + (tab.parent().index()) + ')').show();
} else {
// set the first tab item and first panel
$('.tabs li:first').addClass('activeTab');
$('.tab_container .tab_content:first').show();
if ($('.tabs').length)
// change the page title to current selected tab
document.title = tab.attr('title');
// Execute this script!