我正在构建.net 应用程序,使用 nhibernate 将数据映射到实体。我还是面向对象编程的新手,现在我有这个问题:



1 回答 1


有一个额外的实体 ,CustomerList它将容纳Customer对象。


在 PHP 中,我会这样做(这只是一个示例,在实际代码中,您可能需要考虑其他事情)。


 * Describe a single customer object
class Customer {

    /** @var Order[] List of orders */
    private $orders = array();

     * Add an order to the order list.
     * @param Order $order
    public function addOrder(Order $order) {
        if (!in_array($order, $this->orders, true)) {
            $this->orders[] = $order;

     * Get an order by numeric index.
     * @param int $index
     * @return Order
    public function getOrder($index) {
        return $this->orders[$index];

     * Get total number of orders for customer.
     * @return int
    public function getOrdersTotal() {
        return count($this->orders);

 * Describe a single order.
 * I didn't include any information here because it's not relevant.
class Order {


 * Describe a list of customers.
class CustomerList {

    /** @var Customer[] List of customers */
    private $customers;

     * Add a customer to the list
     * @param Customer $customer
    public function addCustomer(Customer $customer) {
        $this->customers[] = $customer;

     * The sorting function.
     * Compare the orders total and return 1/0/-1 accordingly.
     * @param Customer $a
     * @param Customer $b
     * @return int
    public function sort($a, $b) {
        if ($a->getOrdersTotal() === $b->getOrdersTotal()) {
            return 0;
        return ($a->getOrdersTotal() > $b->getOrdersTotal()) ? 1 : -1;

     * Call the sorting function on the customer list
    public function sortCustomers() {
        usort($this->customers, array($this, "sort"));

     * Return the full customer array.
     * @return Customer[]
    public function getCustomers() {
        return $this->customers;

$cList = new CustomerList();

$customer1 = new Customer();
$customer2 = new Customer();
$customer3 = new Customer();

$order1 = new Order();
$order2 = new Order();
$order3 = new Order();
$order4 = new Order();
$order5 = new Order();
$order6 = new Order();





//List customers before sorting


//List customers after sorting
于 2012-08-05T18:08:36.597 回答