以下是我的功能,它假设列出了我尝试使用 << 固定但似乎没有帮助的一些国家


�ѿd Arab Emirates
�ѿua and Barbuda
�ѿrlands Antilles
�ѿcan Samoa


这是我的 CountryData.cpp 文件

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include "CountryData.h"

using namespace std;
// ====================================================================

void readData ()
    FILE * pFile;
    NoOfRecordsRead = 0;
    char buffer [Line_Char_Buffer_Size];

    pFile = fopen (INPUT_FILE_NAME , "r");

    if (pFile == NULL) 
        perror ("Error opening file 'Countries.txt' !");
        while ( !feof (pFile) )
            char* aLine = get_line (buffer, Line_Char_Buffer_Size, pFile);

            if (aLine != NULL)
//              printf ("%d] aLine => %s\n", NoOfRecordsRead, aLine);
                globalCountryDataArray [NoOfRecordsRead++] = createCountryRecord (aLine);

     fclose (pFile);


// ====================================================================

char* get_line (char *s, size_t n, FILE *f)
    char *p = fgets (s, n, f);

    if (p != NULL) 
        size_t last = strlen (s) - 1;
        if (s[last] == '\n') 
            s[last] = '\0';
    return p;

// ====================================================================

CountryRecordType createCountryRecord (char* aLine)
    CountryRecordType ctryRec;
    char* pch = strtok (aLine, LINE_DATA_DELIMITER);

    // 1) Retrieve TLD
    strcpy (ctryRec.TLD, pch);
    pch = strtok (NULL, LINE_DATA_DELIMITER);

    // 2) Retrieve Country
    strcpy (ctryRec.Country, pch);
    pch = strtok (NULL, LINE_DATA_DELIMITER);

    // 3) Retrieve FIPS104
    strcpy (ctryRec.FIPS104, pch);
    pch = strtok (NULL, LINE_DATA_DELIMITER);

    // 4) Retrieve ISO2
    strcpy (ctryRec.ISO2, pch);
    pch = strtok (NULL, LINE_DATA_DELIMITER);

    // 5) Retrieve ISO3
    strcpy (ctryRec.ISO3, pch);
    pch = strtok (NULL, LINE_DATA_DELIMITER);

    // 6) Retrieve ISONo
    ctryRec.ISONo = atof (pch);
    pch = strtok (NULL, LINE_DATA_DELIMITER);

    // 7) Retrieve Capital
    strcpy (ctryRec.Capital, pch);
    pch = strtok (NULL, LINE_DATA_DELIMITER);

    // 8) Retrieve Region
    strcpy (ctryRec.Region, pch);
    pch = strtok (NULL, LINE_DATA_DELIMITER);

    // 9) Retrieve Currency
    strcpy (ctryRec.Currency, pch);
    pch = strtok (NULL, LINE_DATA_DELIMITER);

    // 10) Retrieve CurrencyCode
    strcpy (ctryRec.CurrencyCode, pch);
    pch = strtok (NULL, LINE_DATA_DELIMITER);

    // 11) Retrieve Population
    ctryRec.Population = atof (pch);

    return (ctryRec);


// ====================================================================

char* displayRecordContent (CountryRecordType ctryRec)
    char * output = ctryRec.Country;
    return output;


// ====================================================================

void showAllRecords ()
    int i=0;
    string stroutput;
    char * result;
    for (i=0; i<NoOfRecordsRead; i++)

        result = displayRecordContent (globalCountryDataArray [i]);
        stroutput += result;
        stroutput += "\n";

cout << fixed << stroutput << endl;


// ====================================================================

int findCountryRecord (const char* countryName)
    int idx     = -1;
    int found   = 0;

    while (!found && (++idx < Max_Record_Size))
        if (strcmp (globalCountryDataArray [idx].Country, countryName) == 0)
            found = 1;

    if (found)
        return (idx);
        return (-1);

// ====================================================================

char* getCapital (const char* countryName)
    int idx = findCountryRecord (countryName);

    if (idx < 0)
        printf ("Country '%s' not found!\n", countryName);
        return (NULL);  
        return (globalCountryDataArray [idx].Capital);

// ====================================================================

char* getCurrencyCode (const char* countryName)
    int idx = findCountryRecord (countryName);

    if (idx < 0)
        printf ("Country '%s' not found!\n", countryName);
        return (NULL);  
        return (globalCountryDataArray [idx].CurrencyCode);

// ====================================================================

main ()
    readData ();
    showAllRecords ();


这是我的 CountryData.h 文件


// ====================================================================

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

using namespace std;
// ====================================================================

#define TLD_LEN             2
#define COUNTRY_LEN         100
#define FIPS104_LEN         2
#define ISO2_LEN            2
#define ISO3_LEN            3
#define CAPITAL_LEN         100
#define REGION_LEN          100
#define CURRENCY_LEN        50

#define No_Of_Rec_Fields        11
#define Max_Record_Size         250
#define Line_Char_Buffer_Size   400

#define LINE_DATA_DELIMITER     ","
#define INPUT_FILE_NAME         "Countries.txt"

// ====================================================================

//const char*   LINE_DATA_DELIMITER     = ",";
//const char*   INPUT_FILE_NAME         = "Countries.txt";

typedef struct CountryRecord
    char TLD            [TLD_LEN+1];            // Top Level Domain code
    char Country        [COUNTRY_LEN+1];    
    char FIPS104        [FIPS104_LEN+1];        // Ctry code according to FIPS104 standard
    char ISO2           [ISO2_LEN+1];           // Ctry code according to ISO2    standard
    char ISO3           [ISO3_LEN+1];           // Ctry code according to ISO3    standard
    double ISONo;

    char Capital        [CAPITAL_LEN+1];    
    char Region         [REGION_LEN+1];         // E.g. Asia, Europe, etc.
    char Currency       [CURRENCY_LEN+1];       // Full name of currency
    char CurrencyCode   [CURRENCY_CODE_LEN+1];  // Currency abbreviation
    double Population;

}   CountryRecordType;

int NoOfRecordsRead;
CountryRecordType globalCountryDataArray [Max_Record_Size];

// ====================================================================

void readData ();
char* get_line (char *s, size_t n, FILE *f);
CountryRecordType createCountryRecord (char* aLine);
char* displayRecordContent (CountryRecordType ctryRec);
void showAllRecords ();

int findCountryRecord (const char* countryName);
char* getCapital (const char* countryName);
char* getCurrencyCode (const char* countryName);

// ====================================================================

#endif // COUNTRY_DATA_H

这是我的 countries.txt 文件的一部分

AD,Andorra,AN,AD,AND,20.00,Andorra la Vella,Europe,Euro,EUR,67627.00
AE,United Arab Emirates,AE,AE,ARE,784.00,Abu Dhabi,Middle East,UAE Dirham,AED,2407460.00
AG,Antigua and Barbuda,AC,AG,ATG,28.00,Saint John's,Central America and the Caribbean,East Caribbean Dollar,XCD,66970.00
AI,Anguilla,AV,AI,AIA,660.00,The Valley,Central America and the Caribbean,East Caribbean Dollar,XCD,12132.00
AM,Armenia,AM,AM,ARM,51.00,Yerevan,Commonwealth of Independent States,Armenian Dram,AMD,3336100.00
AN,Netherlands Antilles,NT,AN,ANT,530.00,Willemstad,Central America and the Caribbean,Netherlands Antillean guilder,ANG,212226.00
AQ,Antarctica,AY,AQ,ATA,10.00,--,Antarctic Region, , ,0.00
AR,Argentina,AR,AR,ARG,32.00,Buenos Aires,South America,Argentine Peso,ARS,37384816.00
AS,American Samoa,AQ,AS,ASM,16.00,Pago Pago,Oceania,US Dollar,USD,67084.00
AU,Australia,AS,AU,AUS,36.00,Canberra,Oceania,Australian dollar,AUD,19357594.00

2 回答 2




const char* displayRecordContent (const CountryRecordType &ctryRec)
    const char * output = ctryRec.Country;
    return output;

于 2012-08-05T16:28:17.420 回答

我会从头开始重写代码,尝试实际使用 C++ 而不是 C,并混入一些 C++。

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <fstream>

struct CountryRecord { 
    std::string TLD;
    std::string Country;
    std::string FIPS104;
    std::string ISO2;
    std::string ISO3;
    double ISONo;
    std::string Capital;
    std::string Region;
    std::string Currency;
    std::string CurrencyCode;
    double Population;

template <class T>
std::istream &get_field(std::istream &is, T &field) {
    is >> field;
    return is;

std::istream &get_field<std::string>(std::istream &is, std::string &field) {
    return std::getline(is, field, ',');

std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, CountryRecord &r) { 
    get_field(is, r.TLD);
    get_field(is, r.Country);
    get_field(is, r.FIPS104);
    get_field(is, r.ISO2);
    get_field(is, r.ISO3);
    get_field(is, r.ISONo);
    get_field(is, r.Capital);
    get_field(is, r.Region);
    get_field(is, r.Currency);
    get_field(is, r.CurrencyCode);
    return get_field(is, r.Population);

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, CountryRecord const &r) { 
    return os << r.Country;

int main() { 
    std::ifstream in("countries.txt");
    std::vector<CountryRecord> countries(

    std::copy(countries.begin(), countries.end(), 
              std::ostream_iterator<CountryRecord>(std::cout, "\n"));

    return 0;
于 2012-08-05T18:18:56.337 回答