我正在尝试将以下(简化的)嵌套循环移植为 CUDA 2D 内核。数据集的大小将随着更大的数据集NgS而增加;NgO现在我只想让这个内核为所有值输出正确的结果:

// macro that translates 2D [i][j] array indices to 1D flattened array indices
#define idx(i,j,lda) ( (j) + ((i)*(lda)) )

int NgS  = 1859;
int NgO  = 900;

// 1D flattened matrices have been initialized as:
 Radio_cpu = new double [NgS*NgO];
Result_cpu = new double [NgS*NgO];
// ignoring the part where they are filled w/ data

for (m=0; m<NgO; m++) {        
    for (n=0; n<NgS; n++) {
            Result_cpu[idx(n,m,NgO)]] = k0*Radio_cpu[idx(n,m,NgO)]];

我遇到的示例通常处理方形循环,与 CPU 版本相比,我无法获得所有 GPU 数组索引的正确输出。这是调用内核的主机代码:

dim3 dimBlock(16, 16);
dim3 dimGrid;
dimGrid.x = (NgO + dimBlock.x - 1) / dimBlock.x;
dimGrid.y = (NgS + dimBlock.y - 1) / dimBlock.y;

// Result_gpu and Radio_gpu are allocated versions of the CPU variables on GPU
trans<<<dimGrid,dimBlock>>>(NgO, NgS, k0, Radio_gpu, Result_gpu);


__global__ void trans(int NgO, int NgS,
                      double k0, double * Radio, double * Result) {

int n = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int m = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;

if(n > NgS || m > NgO) return;

// map the two 2D indices to a single linear, 1D index
int grid_width = gridDim.x * blockDim.x;
int idxxx = m + (n * grid_width);

Result[idxxx] = k0 * Radio[idxxx];


    // matches from NgS = 0...913
    Result_gpu[NgS = 913][NgO = 0]: -56887.2
    Result_cpu[Ngs = 913][NgO = 0]: -56887.2

    // mismatches from NgS = 914...1858
    Result_gpu[NgS = 914][NgO = 0]: -12.2352
    Result_cpu[NgS = 914][NgO = 0]: 79448.6

无论 的值如何,这种模式都是相同的NgO。我一直试图通过查看各种示例并尝试更改来找出我犯了错误的地方,但到目前为止,这个方案已经有效地减去了手头的明显问题,而其他方案已经导致内核调用错误/离开GPU 数组未对所有值进行初始化。由于我显然看不到错误,如果有人能指出我正确的方向来解决问题,我将不胜感激。我很确定它就在我的鼻子下面,我看不到它。

万一这很重要,我正在 Kepler 卡上测试此代码,使用 MSVC 2010、CUDA 4.2 和 304.79 驱动程序进行编译,并使用两者arch=compute_20,code=sm_20arch=compute_30,code=compute_30标志编译代码,没有区别。


1 回答 1



__global__ void trans(int NgO, int NgS,
                  double k0, double * Radio, double * Result) {

int n = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int m = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
if(n > NgO || m > NgS) return;
int ofs = m * NgO + n;
Result[ofs] = k0 * Radio[ofs];

void test() {

int NgS  = 1859, NgO  = 900;
int data_sz = NgS * NgO, bytes = data_sz * sizeof(double);
double *Radio_cpu = new double [data_sz*3],
    *Result_cpu = Radio_cpu + data_sz,
    *Result_gpu = Result_cpu + data_sz;
double k0 = -1.7961233;

int i, j, n, m;
for(m=0; m<NgO; m++) {
  for (n=0; n<NgS; n++) {
        Radio_cpu[m + n*NgO] = lrand48() % 234234;
        Result_cpu[m + n*NgO] = k0*Radio_cpu[m + n*NgO];

double *g_Radio, *g_Result;
cudaMalloc((void **)&g_Radio, bytes * 2);
g_Result = g_Radio + data_sz;
cudaMemcpy(g_Radio, Radio_cpu, bytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

dim3 dimBlock(16, 16);
dim3 dimGrid;
dimGrid.x = (NgO + dimBlock.x - 1) / dimBlock.x;
dimGrid.y = (NgS + dimBlock.y - 1) / dimBlock.y;

trans<<<dimGrid,dimBlock>>>(NgO, NgS, k0, g_Radio, g_Result);

cudaMemcpy(Result_gpu, g_Result, bytes, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

for(m=0; m<NgO; m++) {
    for (n=0; n<NgS; n++) {
        double c1 = Result_cpu[m + n*NgO],
                c2 = Result_gpu[m + n*NgO];
        if(std::abs(c1-c2) > 1e-4)
            printf("(%d;%d): %.7f %.7f\n", n, m, c1, c2);
delete []Radio_cpu;

但是,在我看来,使用四边形从全局内存中访问数据可能对缓存不太友好,因为访问步幅非常大。如果您的算法在 2D 局部性中访问数据至关重要,您可能会考虑使用 2D 纹理

于 2012-08-05T11:09:18.720 回答