如果没有 for 循环,我无法让某些事情一遍又一遍地发生。看看这个:
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.Event;
public class Main extends Sprite {
public function Main() {
addEventListener("done", caller);
public function caller(e:Event = null):void {
dispatchEvent(new Event("done"));
唱这首歌会给你一个“错误#2094:事件调度递归溢出”。真的很快。它将显示事件调度程序和 caller() 在它们自身内部被调用,嵌套直到错误发生。
我想要做的是:“当 caller() 完成时,再次调用它”不是:“在它完成之前调用 caller()”
现在,在人们开始建议使用计时器来猜测需要多长时间或使用 ENTER_FRAME 之前,此 caller() 将没有任何图形数据,也不会连接到 Sprite,完成所需的时间可能与打电话来打电话。我真的在寻找一种只有在它完全完成后才能运行它的方法。
谢谢你的回复。我使用了 Timer,但仍然可能因调用过多和定时器间隔太短而溢出。所以我简化并尝试只创建一个基于事件的for循环类(一个像for循环一样运行的类,但带有事件以避免吞噬所有资源)解决方案是调用该函数,在它完成时调用计时器;在计时器完成时再次调用该函数并将它们相互反弹。基本上:
call function
call function
wait etc.
即使计时器设置为 0 并冻结 swf 直到调用所有函数,该函数也会在再次运行之前完成。
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class Efl extends Sprite { // the main class
public function Efl() {
// make four functions...
function init (o:Object):void { // akin to the first part of the for loop
o.value = 0;
function condition(o:Object):Boolean { // like the condition portion of the for loop
if (o.value <= 100) {
return (true);
} else {
return (false);
function next(o:Object):void { // the increment part of a for loop
function statements(o:Object):void { // the body of the for loop
// put the four functions in one new EventForLoop
var test1:EventForLoop = new EventForLoop(init, condition, next, statements, 1); // delay is 1 ms
test1.start(); // set it into motion
// do it again all in one line - not pretty but it works
var test2:EventForLoop = new EventForLoop(
function (o:Object):void { o.value = 0; },
function (o:Object):Boolean { if (o.value <= 50) return (true); else return (false); },
function (o:Object):void { o.value++ },
function (o:Object):void { trace("> " + o.value) },
20); // delay in 100ms
test2.start(); // start it up
// if you try this out, the two will run intertwined since the delays are different.
package {
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.TimerEvent;
import flash.utils.Timer;
public class EventForLoop extends EventDispatcher {
// functions to call when simulating the for loop
private var initializer:Function; // is run once at the start of the loop
private var condition:Function; // returns boolean to tell the loop to continue or not
private var step:Function; // the function that runs after the loop is complete
private var statements:Function; // the actual body of the loop
private var timeout:Timer; // the timer to avaoid overflows
private var operator:Object = new Object(); // this is an object to hold and pass values across all the sub loop functions. it is the parameter passed to all four functions
// some event constants
static const NEXT:String = new String("EFLNext");
static const DONE:String = new String("EFLDone");
// constructor just loads vars and sets up timer
public function EventForLoop (init:Function, cond:Function, stepper:Function, stat:Function, delay:Number = 0) {
initializer = init;
condition = cond;
step = stepper;
statements = stat;
timeout = new Timer(delay, 1);
// the mail loop function...
private function next(e:Event = null):void {
// Try this and the lone afte the loop:
// trace ("start statements");
if (condition.call(null, operator)) { // if the condition is still true...
statements.call(null, operator); // do the body statements of the loop
step.call(null, operator); // increment
dispatchEvent(new Event(EventForLoop.NEXT)); // dispatch the event so that thw wait can start
} else { // condition returns false??
dispatchEvent(new Event(EventForLoop.DONE)); // tell the event dispatcher the loop is done
removeEventListener(EventForLoop.NEXT, wait); // stop event listeners
timeout.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, next);
// trace ("finish statements\n");
// this line and the one before the if() will show that the functcion ends before starting again, even if the Timer wait 0ms
// very simple function that waits and ten triggers the loop again
private function wait(e:Event):void {
// metod used to set the loop running
public function start():void {
initializer.call(null, operator); // use the initioalizer to set the operator Object
addEventListener(EventForLoop.NEXT, wait); // when the loops done, wait
timeout.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, next); // when done waiting, loop again
next(); //do the first loop