" Autocommands
" Reread configuration of Vim if .vimrc is saved
augroup VimConfig
au BufWritePost ~/.vimrc so ~/.vimrc
au BufWritePost _vimrc so ~/_vimrc
au BufWritePost vimrc so ~/.vimrc
augroup END
" Set colorcolumn to 80 chars, or (if not supported) highlight lines > 80 chars
augroup ColorColumnConfig
if exists('+colorcolumn')
au BufWinEnter * set colorcolumn=80
au BufWinEnter * hi ColorColumn ctermbg=lightgrey guibg=lightgrey
au BufWinEnter * let w:m2=matchadd('ErrorMsg', '\%>80v.\+', -1)
augroup END
" Highlight over-length characters and trailing whitespace
augroup ExtraCharacters
au ColorScheme * highlight ExtraWhitespace ctermbg=Red guibg=Red
au ColorScheme * highlight OverLength ctermbg=red ctermfg=white guibg=red guifg=white
au BufWinEnter * let w:whitespace_match_number =
\ matchadd('ExtraWhitespace', '\s\+$')
au BufWinEnter * call matchadd('OverLength',
\ '\(^\(\s\)\{-}\(*\|//\|/\*\)\{1}\(.\)*\(\%81v\)\)\@<=\(.\)\{1,}$')
au InsertEnter * call s:ToggleWhitespaceMatch('i')
au InsertLeave * call s:ToggleWhitespaceMatch('n')
augroup END
" Resize splits on window resize
au VimResized * exe "normal! \<c-w>="
" Restore the cursor when we can.
au BufWinEnter * call RestoreCursor()
" Change the statusline color based on current mode
augroup StatuslineColor
au InsertEnter * call InsertStatuslineColor(v:insertmode)
au InsertLeave * hi statusline ctermfg=cyan ctermbg=black guifg=cyan guibg=black
augroup END
" Plugins
" Pathogen - https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen
runtime bundle/vim-pathogen/autoload/pathogen.vim
call pathogen#infect()
call pathogen#helptags()
" Easymotion - https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-easymotion/
" This is so much more convenient
let g:EasyMotion_leader_key=',m'
" Neocomplcache - https://github.com/Shougo/neocomplcache
" Enable at startup.
let g:neocomplcache_enable_at_startup=1
" Only display 'n' items in the list.
let g:neocomplcache_max_list=5
" Do not auto-select the first candidate.
let g:neocomplcache_enable_auto_select=1
" Do not try to match until 'n' characters have been typed
let g:neocomplcache_auto_completion_start_length=3
" Do not try to match to anything less than 'n' characters
let g:neocomplcache_min_keyword_length=6
let g:neocomplcache_min_syntax_length=6
" Only consider case if an uppercase character has been typed
let g:neocomplcache_enable_smart_case=1
" Syntastic - https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic/
" Commands:
" :Errors // pop up location list and display errors
" :SyntasticToggleMode // toggles between active and passive mode
" :SyntasticCheck // forces a syntax check in passive mode
" check for syntax errors on file open
let g:syntastic_check_on_open=1
" echo errors to the command window
let g:syntastic_echo_current_error=1
" mark lines with errors and warnings
let g:syntastic_enable_signs=1
" set sign symbols
let g:syntastic_error_symbol='E>'
let g:syntastic_warning_symbol='W>'
let g:syntastic_style_error_symbol='S>'
let g:syntastic_style_warning_symbol='s>'
" open error balloons when moused over erroneous lines
let g:syntastic_enable_balloons=1
" customize Syntastic statusline
let g:syntastic_stl_format = '[%E{E: %fe #%e}%B{, }%W{W: %fw #%w}]'
" Functions
" Strip trailing whitespace
function! <SID>StripTrailingWhitespaces()
let _s=@/
let l = line(".")
let c = col(".")
let @/=_s
call cursor(l, c)
" Toggle match of trailing whitespace
function! s:ToggleWhitespaceMatch(mode)
let pattern = (a:mode == 'i') ? '\s\+\%#\@<!$' : '\s\+$'
if exists('w:whitespace_match_number')
call matchdelete(w:whitespace_match_number)
call matchadd('ExtraWhitespace', pattern, 10, w:whitespace_match_number)
" Something went wrong, try to be graceful.
let w:whitespace_match_number = matchadd('ExtraWhitespace', pattern)
" Restore the cursor when we can
function! RestoreCursor()
if line("'\"") <= line("$")
normal! g`"
normal! zz
" Change the statusline color based on current mode
function! InsertStatuslineColor(mode)
if a:mode == 'i'
hi statusline ctermfg=darkmagenta ctermbg=black guifg=darkmagenta guibg=black
elseif a:mode == 'r'
hi statusline ctermfg=darkgreen ctermbg=black guifg=darkgreen guibg=black
hi statusline ctermfg=darkred ctermbg=black guifg=darkred guibg=black
" Configuration customization
" gui configuration (do not move from top of configurations)
set guioptions=am
set guifont=Consolas:h9
set encoding=utf-8
set fileencoding=utf-8
set nocompatible " No compatibility with vi.
filetype on " Recognize syntax by file extension.
filetype indent on " Check for indent file.
filetype plugin on " Allow plugins to be loaded by file type.
behave xterm " Maintain keybindings across enviornments
set autowrite " Write before executing the 'make' command.
set background=dark " Background light, so foreground not bold.
set backspace=indent,eol,start " Allow <BS> to go over indents, eol, and start of insert
set expandtab " Expand tabs with spaces.
set nofoldenable " Disable folds; toggle with zi.
set gdefault " Assume :s uses /g.
set hidden " Use hidden buffers so unsaved buffers can go to the background
set history=500 " Set number of lines for vim to remember
set hlsearch " Highlight all search matches
set ignorecase " Ignore case in regular expressions
set incsearch " Immediately highlight search matches.
set laststatus=2 " Show status line even where there is only one window
set lazyredraw " Redraw faster
set linespace=-1 " Bring lines closer together vertically
set modeline " Check for a modeline.
set noerrorbells " No beeps on errors.
set nohls " Don't highlight all regex matches.
set nowrap " Don't soft wrap.
set number " Display line numbers.
set path=~/Code/** " Set default path
set scrolloff=5 " Keep min of 'n' lines above/below cursor.
set shellslash " Use forward slashes regardless of OS
set shiftwidth=3 " >> and << shift 3 spaces.
set showcmd " Show partial commands in the status line.
set showmatch " Show matching () {} etc..
set showmode " Show current mode.
set sidescrolloff=10 " Keep min of 'n' columns right/left cursor.
set smartcase " Searches are case-sensitive if caps used.
set smarttab " Tabs and backspaces at the start of a line indent the line one level
set smartindent " Maintains most indentation and adds extra level when nesting
set softtabstop=3 " See spaces as tabs.
set splitright splitbelow " Open splits below and to the right
set synmaxcol=160 " Only matches syntax on first 'n' columns of each line ( faster)
set tabstop=3 " <Tab> move three characters
set textwidth=79 " Hard wrap at 79 characters
set title " Set the console title
set viminfo='20,\"500,% " Adjust viminfo contents
set virtualedit=block " Allow the cursor to go where it should not
set wildmenu " Tab completion opens a Tab- and arrow-navigable menu
set wildmode=longest,full " Tab completion works like bash.
set wrapscan " Searching wraps to start of file when end is reached
" Define statusline
set statusline=%f " Relative file path
set statusline+=%(\ [%M%R%H%W]%) " File flags (mod, RO, help, preview)
set statusline+=%(\ %<%) " Start truncation
set statusline+=%(\ %{fugitive#statusline()}%) " Git branch name (if applicable)
set statusline+=%= " Begin right justification
set statusline+=%#warningmsg# " Start warning highlighting
set statusline+=%(\ %{SyntasticStatuslineFlag()}%) " Show Syntastic errors and warnings
set statusline+=%* " End warning highlighting
set statusline+=\ [line\ %l\/%L,\ col\ %c%V,\ %p%%] " Line and column numbers and percentage through file
" Text formatting settings
" t: Auto-wrap text using textwidth. (default)
" c: Auto-wrap comments; insert comment leader. (default)
" q: Allow formatting of comments with "gq". (default)
" r: Insert comment leader after hitting <Enter>.
" o: Insert comment leader after hitting 'o' or 'O' in command mode.
" n: Auto-format lists, wrapping to text *after* the list bullet char.
" l: Don't auto-wrap if a line is already longer than textwidth.
set formatoptions+=ronl
" Enable mouse scrolling in selected modes
" a: All
" c: Command
" i: Insert
" n: Normal
" v: Visual
set mouse=a
" Set scrolling to be single-line
"map <MouseDown> <C-Y>
"map <S-MouseDown> <C-U>
"map <MouseUp> <C-E>
"map <S-MouseUp> <C-D>
" Highlighting
syntax enable
set t_Co=16
colorscheme solarized
" Configuration variables
let loaded_matchparen=0 " do automatic bracket highlighting.
let mapleader="," " Use , instead of \ for the map leader.
" Command mode customization
" Make y behave like all other capitals
map Y y$
" Make Q reformat text.
noremap Q gq
" Toggle paste mode.
noremap <Leader>p :set paste!<CR>
" Open the file under the cursor in a new tab.
noremap <Leader>ot <C-W>gf
" Toggle highlighting of the last search.
noremap <Leader>h :set hlsearch! hlsearch?<CR>
" Open a scratch buffer.
noremap <Leader>s :Scratch<CR>
" Improve movement on wrapped lines
nnoremap j gj
nnoremap k gk
" Keep search pattern at the center of the screen
nnoremap <silent> n nzz
nnoremap <silent> N Nzz
nnoremap <silent> * *zz
nnoremap <silent> # #zz
nnoremap <silent> g* g*zz
nnoremap <silent> g# g#zz
" Use C-hjkl in to change windows
nnoremap <C-h> <C-w><Left>
nnoremap <C-j> <C-w><Down>
nnoremap <C-k> <C-w><Up>
nnoremap <C-l> <C-w><Right>
" Strip trailing whitespace
nnoremap <silent> <leader>W :call <SID>StripTrailingWhitespaces()<CR>
" Allow easy toggling of spaces / tabs mode
nnoremap <C-t><C-t> :set invexpandtab<CR>
" Create simple toggles for line numbers, paste mode, and word wrap.
nnoremap <C-N><C-N> :set invnumber<CR>
nnoremap <C-p><C-p> :set invpaste<CR>
nnoremap <C-w><C-w> :set invwrap<CR>
" Folding stuff
nnoremap <C-o> zo
nnoremap <C-c> zc
nnoremap <C-O> zO
nnoremap <C-O><C-O> zR
set foldmethod=indent
" Open file for class name under cursor
nnoremap <C-i> yiw:find <C-R>".php<CR>
" Insert mode customization
" Set up dictionary completion.
set dictionary+=~/.vim/dictionary/english-freq
set complete+=k
" Smash Esc
inoremap jk <Esc>
inoremap kj <Esc>
" Use hjkl in insert mode
imap <C-h> <Left>
imap <C-j> <Down>
imap <C-k> <Up>
imap <C-l> <Right>
" Make C-s write the buffer and return to insert mode when applicable
inoremap <C-s> <C-O>:w<CR>
nnoremap <C-s> :w<CR>
" auto-insert second braces and parynthesis
inoremap {<CR> {<CR>}<Esc>O
inoremap ({<CR> ({<CR>});<Esc>O
inoremap <<<<CR> <<<EOT<CR>EOT;<Esc>O<C-TAB><C-TAB><C-TAB>
set cpoptions+=$ "show dollar sign at end of text to be changed
" Visual mode customization
" reselect visual block after indent/outdent
xnoremap < <gv
xnoremap > >gvo
的问题并解决了(所以它不是我无法控制的一些全局设置)。我在我的 中禁用了几个单独的设置.vimrc
文本foo bar foo
转换为foobar bar foo
编辑:由 pb2q 解决。set gdefault
反转 的行为/g