我在 MS Excel 文件的第一个工作表上有一个表格。如果我创建一个新工作表,我想用第一个工作表中的表中的某些行和列填充它。


| Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 | Header 4 | Header 5 |
|   Data   |   Data   |   Data   |   Data   |   Data   |
|   Data   |   Data   |   Data   |   Data   |   Data   |
|   Data   |   Data   |   Data   |   Data   |   Data   |
|   Data   |   Data   |   Data   |   Data   |   Data   |
|   Data   |   Data   |   Data   |   Data   |   Data   |


| Header 1 | Header 4 | Header 5 |
|   Data   |   Data   |   Data   |
|   Data   |   Data   |   Data   |
|   Data   |   Data   |   Data   |
|   Data   |   Data   |   Data   |
|   Data   |   Data   |   Data   |

关于我应该如何实现这一目标的任何指示?我想避免创建宏,因为我不熟悉 VB 编程。但如果这是唯一的选择,我愿意探索它。


2 回答 2



Private Sub Workbook_NewSheet(ByVal Sh As Object)
    Dim ws As Worksheet

    '~~> This is where you set the input sheet
    Set ws = Sheet1

    '~~> the range that you need to replicate

    '~~> I am doing paste special values
    '~~> Change it to `xlPasteAll` if you need formats to be copied as well
    Sh.Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues

    Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub


假设您在 Sheet1 中有这些数据。

enter image description here


enter image description here

The Code has to be pasted here

enter image description here


The biggest drawback of this method is that you will loose your undo list.

于 2012-08-04T18:00:49.893 回答

If you want to avoid macros you will find a solution in the combination of Index, Match and Row functions.


will give you the column in the Sheet1


gives you the value to be transposed to Sheet 2

CellRef = address of the cell where you want the data to be transposed.

The formula in sheet2!A2 then looks like:


Sheet1!$A$1:$F$11 = data range including headers in sheet1

Sheet1!$A$1:$F$1 = headers range in sheet1

Just copy the formula to all cells in sheet2 that might contain transposed values.

于 2012-08-05T11:43:45.047 回答