I am using Json to send update information to the following controller action:
public JsonResult JsonUpdate(string pk, string rk, string fld, string val) {
Content content = null;
try {
if (fld == "TempRowKey") {
content = contentService.Get(pk, rk);
rk = utilityService.DotFormatToRowKey(val);
contentService.UpdateRowKey(content, rk, User.Identity.Name);
} else {
I realize it's an added protection in MVC that's causing the problem but I need to be able to pass HTML code in the val argument and I am getting the following error:
A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (val="...e HashMap <K,V>, LinkedHashMap...").
Note that the is valid text that an admin person entered. This screen is only used by admins and so I am okay with no protection for the field.
Looks like there were some changes between MVC2, 3 and 4.
What are the ways I can avoid this problem with MVC3 and MVC4. I saw there's another post like mine on stackoverflow but it does not really address the problem.
Note I am looking for something local that I can apply to just this action. I saw some suggestions on the web but it looks like there's confusion between how to handle this with the different MVC versions. Is the best way to encode and decode the data and if so how could I do that?