i am writing a plugin for eclipse 4.2 that will upload the jars the user adds to a project. in order to do this i need to want to retrieve the location of the jars in the class path. the problem is that as far as i can see IJavaProject doesn't make the distinction between a linked jar and a copied one. so when i use IClasspathEntry to retrieve the location of the jar the returned value is a location in the project and not the jars true location.

does any one know how can i retrieve it?


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我认为您正在寻求一种方法来查找项目内部 jar 的文件系统位置。

Eclipse 工作区使用本地文件系统的抽象,它与实际文件系统相似但不同。有一些 API 可以从文件系统位置转换IResource为文件系统位置。


于 2012-08-20T04:42:14.667 回答