I am working on Bluetooth Low Energy in Android. I want to get the UUIDs of remote device when the device is paired. I have found that BluetoothDevice.getUuids() will give the UUIDs of a remote device. I have used that in the settings application of ICS. I am able to get the UUIDs of classic device and dongle which is a Low energy device. But I am not able to get the UUIDs of a casio watch which is also a low energy.

Can you please help me on this issue?


1 回答 1


BluetoothDevice.getUuids()此方法不会启动服务发现过程以从远程设备检索 UUID。而是返回服务 UUID 的本地缓存副本。

fetchUuidsWithSdp()如果需要新的 UUID,请使用。愿这有帮助

于 2013-12-27T13:10:39.110 回答