a href 链接在 p 标签中停止工作?当我将它们放在 H3 标记中时它们可以工作,但是布局/样式表格式似乎消失了。这让我想知道它是否与网站 css 或 xhtml 有关。
代码片段 - 链接不起作用:
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<h1>How we do it</h1>
<div id="casestudies">
<p><a href="pdf/3Rivers FCU Case Study.pdf" target="_blank">3Rivers Federal Credit Union</a>
<br />
<br />
Momentum developed a three-pronged, integrated approach with 3Rivers to maximize market potential and increase existing branch productivity.</p>
<div id="written_content">
<div id="header_image"></div>
<h1>How we do it</h1>
<div id="casestudies">
<h2><p><a href="pdf/3Rivers FCU Case Study.pdf" target="_blank">3Rivers Federal Credit Union</a></p><h2>
<p>Momentum developed a three-pronged, integrated approach with 3Rivers to maximize market potential and increase existing branch productivity.</p>
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