1) Javascript 基于原型继承。这意味着一个对象可以从另一个对象继承原型模型。使用原型,您可以模拟 javacript 上的继承(有限制),例如:
// create a 'class' Vehicle
var Vehicle = function() {};
Vehicle.prototype.wheels = 0;
Vehicle.prototype.maxSpeed = 0;
Vehicle.prototype.displayInfo = function() {
alert("hello, I have " + this.wheels + " wheels and max speed of " + this.maxSpeed);
var vehicleInstance = new Vehicle();
vehicleInstance.displayInfo(); // displays: Hello, I have 0 wheels and max speed of 0
// create a 'class' Car using the prototype from Vehicle
// and change some properties.
var Car = function(maxSpeed) {
this.maxSpeed = maxSpeed;
// inherit the prototype from vehicle
Car.prototype = new Vehicle();
// change some properties
Car.prototype.maxSpeed = 200;
Car.prototype.wheels = 4;
var car = new Car();
car.displayInfo(); // displays: Hello, I have 4 wheels and max speed of 200
2) this中的属性优先于原型中的属性,例如:
var car = new Car(); // car prototype: maxSpeed = 200;
car.displayInfo() // displays: Hello, I have 4 wheels and max speed of 200
//set maxSpeed to 300 on 'this'
var car = new Car(300); // see Car definition above
// call displayInfo() in car instance. The Car 'class' doesn't have displayInfo()
// itself, but its prototype has. The javascript VM will look
// for displayInfo() in the car instance, if it not found in the
// instance it will look in car.prototype and on car.prototype.prototype etc.
// until it founds a property called displayInfo()
// or reaches the end of the chain (Object.prototype).
car.displayInfo() // displays: Hello, I have 4 wheels and max speed of 300
var Class1 = function() { };
Class1.prototype.someValue = 1;
var Class2 = function() { };
Class2.prototype = new Class1();
Class2.prototype.someValue = 2; // this overrides the Class1.prototype.someValue prototype
var class2 = new Class2();
class2.someValue = 3; // this overrides the Class2.prototype.someValue;
// create a new class and inherit the prototype model from Vehicle.
var Motorcycle = function() { };
Motorcycle.prototype = new Vehicle();
// motorcycles has 2 wheels
Motorcycle.prototype.wheels = 2;
var motorcycle = new Motorcycle();
motorcycle.dysplayInfo(); // displays: Hello, I have 2 wheels and max speed of 200
//now, if I change the method dysplayInfo from Vehicle, it will change for every
//object that inherits Vehicle prototype:
Vehicle.prototype.displayInfo = function() {
Alert("Wheels: " + this.wheels + ", Max speed: " + this.maxSpeed);
//observe that I didn't create another Motorcycle instance ,
//I'm using the same instance that I've created before change
//the Vehicle.dysplayInfo() method
motorcycle.displayInfo() // displays: Wheels: 2, Max speed: 200
如您所见,任何继承其原型的对象都使用在 Vehicle 中使用的相同方法。这使您的代码更加高效,因为您对多个对象使用相同的函数。您可以从胖原型继承数千个对象,但内存占用仍然很低。
我在这里所说的并没有穷尽原型继承/链的主题。以下是您可以阅读的其他资源。我推荐,因为理解 javascript 中的原型对于编写良好且可维护的代码至关重要。
https ://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Introduction_to_Object-Oriented_JavaScript?redirectlocale=en-US&redirectslug=Introduction_to_Object-Oriented_JavaScript