我想从我拥有的一些 html 页面中获取一些数据,然后将数据存储在数据库中。

HTML 文件有一个博客列表,它们的组织方式如下:

 <div class="breadlist"></div>    

    <h3 class="list"><a href="http://test1.com">Title 1</a></h3>
    <p><strong>Description:</strong> Description 1.<br>
    <strong>Author:</strong> Author1<br>
    <strong>XML:</strong> <a href="http://test1.com/feed">Title 1</a><br>
    <strong>Language:</strong> Language1</p>

    <h3 class="list"><a href="http://test2.com">Title 2</a></h3>
    <p><strong>Description:</strong>Description 2. <br>
    <strong>Author:</strong> Author1<br>
    <strong>XML:</strong> <a href="http://test2.com/feed">Title 2</a>  
    <strong>Language:</strong> Español</p>

<div class="breadlist"></div>

在这个例子中,有 2 个博客,但有时有 10 个甚至 100 个博客。每个文件都有不同的数量。我想得到这个数据:

Website Address, Title, Description, Author, Feed, Language.

我试图用PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser来做到这一点,但今天是我第一次尝试,却无处可去。我想我必须循环一些东西,但不知道该怎么做。任何人都知道如何用 PHP 做到这一点?谢谢!

----编辑---- 这是我迄今为止尝试过的:

$str = <<<HTML
<div class="breadlist"></div>    

    <h3 class="list"><a href="http://test1.com">Title 1</a></h3>
    <p><strong>Description:</strong> Description 1.<br>
    <strong>Author:</strong> Author1<br>
    <strong>XML:</strong> <a href="http://test1.com/feed">Title 1</a><br>
    <strong>Language:</strong> Language1</p>

    <h3 class="list"><a href="http://test2.com">Title 2</a></h3>
    <p><strong>Description:</strong>Description 2. <br>
    <strong>Author:</strong> Author1<br>
    <strong>XML:</strong> <a href="http://test2.com/feed">Title 2</a>  
    <strong>Language:</strong> Español</p>

<div class="breadlist"></div>

$html = str_get_html($str);
    foreach($html->find('h3[class=list]') as $title){
       echo "Title: " . $title->innertext . "<br />";
    foreach($html->find('h3[class=list] a') as $address){
       echo "Address: " . $address->href . "<br />";       
 foreach($html->find('p') as $description){

       echo "Description: " . $description->childNodes(3)->plaintext . "<br />"; //doesnt work
 foreach($html->find('p a') as $feed){
       echo "Feed: " . $feed->href . "<br />";       
 foreach($html->find('h3[class=list] a') as $language){
       echo "Language: " . $language->innertext . "<br />"; // doesnt work       

2 回答 2



echo strip_tags($html_text);

如果数据在您的 HTML 代码中始终保持相同的顺序,则可能就足够了。

于 2012-08-03T18:23:22.003 回答

I couldn't find a way to do it so I just did a find, replace and modify it in a way that could use the PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser

于 2012-08-08T20:49:27.770 回答