Is it possible to grant a role the ability to view/get the users list? I ask this because I am working on a C# application that lets developpers automatically create JIRA issues (using the SOAP api) from within the program, and I'd like to be able to let them select the assignee from a dropdown list. However, the account I connect to JIRA with needs to be an administrator, and I do not want to have an administrator account's credentials in plain text inside the codebase, since it is open to everyone.
This is what I am doing:
JiraSoapServiceClient jira = new JiraSoapServiceClient();
string token = jira.login("non_admin_account", "password");
//This call throws an exception saying the account needs administrative rights
var projectRoleActors = jira.getProjectRoleActors(token, projectRole,
jira.getProjectByKey(token, "EX"));
If I could give "non_admin_account" some kind of permission to grab the users list that would be perfect.. but I'm not sure that's possible.
Any solutions?