I am trying to implement a feature in a list from WSS3.0. Basically I have a list and I want to add items to the list but I want to check first if there is already any item with the same value in a specific column.

I have a column named "My Key Field" and I want the values in this field to be unique. So, for example, if I have a record in the list where "My Key Field=65 210" I should not be able to add a new item when a users inserts the same value for the "My Key Field".

Any ideas on how to do this? A simple solution would be great considering my lack of skills concerning to Sharepoint programming....but I am flexible and I can learn.

Thanks for your attention!

Regards, Aganju


1 回答 1


SPServices 库为此提供了一个方法,称为SPRequireUnique。它依赖于 SharePoint Web 服务。

作为记录,您可以在 SP 2010 中开箱即用地获得此功能。

于 2012-08-03T16:51:36.400 回答