这是 ES 语法中的代码,简短、快速、简洁:
* Trim a canvas.
* @author Arjan Haverkamp (arjan at avoid dot org)
* @param {canvas} canvas A canvas element to trim. This element will be trimmed (reference)
* @param {int} threshold Alpha threshold. Allows for trimming semi-opaque pixels too. Range: 0 - 255
* @returns {Object} Width and height of trimmed canvcas and left-top coordinate of trimmed area. Example: {width:400, height:300, x:65, y:104}
const trimCanvas = (canvas, threshold = 0) => {
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
w = canvas.width, h = canvas.height,
imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, w, h),
tlCorner = { x:w+1, y:h+1 },
brCorner = { x:-1, y:-1 };
for (let y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < w; x++) {
if (imageData.data[((y * w + x) * 4) + 3] > threshold) {
tlCorner.x = Math.min(x, tlCorner.x);
tlCorner.y = Math.min(y, tlCorner.y);
brCorner.x = Math.max(x, brCorner.x);
brCorner.y = Math.max(y, brCorner.y);
const cut = ctx.getImageData(tlCorner.x, tlCorner.y, brCorner.x - tlCorner.x, brCorner.y - tlCorner.y);
canvas.width = brCorner.x - tlCorner.x;
canvas.height = brCorner.y - tlCorner.y;
ctx.putImageData(cut, 0, 0);
return {width:canvas.width, height:canvas.height, x:tlCorner.x, y:tlCorner.y};