
data TypeEnum = IntType | FloatType | BoolType | DateType | StringType
data Schema = Object [Schema] |
              Field TypeEnum |
              Array Schema

schema :: Typeable a => a -> Schema

现在我可以获得TypeReps给定构造函数的列表,但我似乎找不到将 aTypeRep转换Schema为更复杂类型的方法:

field :: TypeRep t => t -> Schema
field t | t == typeOf (undefined :: String) = Field StringType
        | t == typeOf (undefined :: Int) = Field IntType
        | t == typeOf (undefined :: ???) = Array ???
        | t == typeOf (undefined :: ???) = Object ???



2 回答 2



> typeOf (undefined :: Array Int Int)
Array Int Int
> typeOf1 (undefined :: Array Int Int)
Array Int
> typeOf2 (undefined :: Array Int Int)
> typeOf2 (undefined :: Array a b)

编辑:对不起,我误解了这个问题。这里有一些更有用的建议......您可以使用和朋友将 aTypeRep拆分为其组成部分:splitTyConApp

> splitTyConApp (typeOf (undefined :: Array Int Int))
> let arr = typeRepTyCon (typeOf (undefined :: Array Int Int))
> mkTyConApp arr [] == typeOf2 (undefined :: Array a b)
于 2012-08-03T12:04:59.703 回答

如果您有一组封闭的类型是您的程序唯一需要推理的类型,您可以考虑回避Data.Typeable并使用 GADT 滚动您自己的类型表示,如下所示。本标准与标准的区别Typeable如下:

  • TypeReps fromData.Typeable没有表示它们所代表的类型的类型变量,而在下面的替代方案中,您得到TypeRep aa是您所TypeRep代表的类型(例如,typeOf "foo" :: TypeRep [Char])。
  • 然而,下面显示的 GADT 方法仅适用于在编译时固定的一组类型,因为您的自制TypeRep程序定义需要列出所有可表示的类型和类型构造函数。


data Schema a = ...
              | Field (TypeRep a) -- my TypeRep from below, not the standard one!
              | ...

field :: TypeRep a -> Schema a
field t = Field typeRep

这里的缺点是 GADTTypeRep有一个类型参数,它需要一些其他方法来处理Object :: [Schema] -> Schema构造函数的情况,因为它替换[Schema][Schema a]. 也许你可以尝试这样的事情:

data Schema a where 
    Field   :: TypeRep a -> Schema a
    Array   :: Schema a -> Schema (Array a)
    Object2 :: Schema a -> Schema b -> Schema (a, b)
    Object3 :: Schema a -> Schema b -> Schema c -> Schema (a, b, c)




import Control.Applicative

-- | Type representations.  If @x :: TypeRep a@, then @x@ is a singleton
-- value that stands in for type @a@.
data TypeRep a where 
    Integer :: TypeRep Integer
    Char    :: TypeRep Char
    Maybe   :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep (Maybe a)
    List    :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep [a]
    Pair    :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> TypeRep (a, b)

-- | Typeclass for types that have a TypeRep
class Representable a where
    typeRep :: TypeRep a

instance Representable Integer where typeRep = Integer
instance Representable Char where typeRep = Char

instance Representable a => Representable (Maybe a) where 
    typeRep = Maybe typeRep

instance Representable a => Representable [a] where 
    typeRep = List typeRep

instance (Representable a, Representable b) => Representable (a,b) where 
    typeRep = Pair typeRep typeRep

typeOf :: Representable a => a -> TypeRep a
typeOf = const typeRep

-- | Type equality proofs.
data Equal a b where
    Reflexivity :: Equal a a

-- | Induction rules for type equality proofs for parametric types
induction :: Equal a b -> Equal (f a) (f b)
induction Reflexivity = Reflexivity

induction2 :: Equal a a' -> Equal b b' -> Equal (f a b) (f a' b')
induction2 Reflexivity Reflexivity = Reflexivity

-- | Given two TypeReps, prove or disprove their equality.
matchTypes :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> Maybe (Equal a b)
matchTypes Integer Integer = Just Reflexivity
matchTypes Char Char = Just Reflexivity
matchTypes (List a) (List b) = induction <$> (matchTypes a b)
matchTypes (Maybe a) (Maybe b) = induction <$> (matchTypes a b)
matchTypes (Pair a b) (Pair a' b') = 
    induction2 <$> matchTypes a a' <*> matchTypes b b'
matchTypes _ _ = Nothing

-- Example use: type-safe coercions and casts

-- | Given a proof that a and b are the same type, you can
-- actually have an a -> b function.
coerce :: Equal a b -> a -> b
coerce Reflexivity x = x

cast :: TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> a -> Maybe b
cast a b x = coerce <$> (matchTypes a b) <*> pure x

-- Example use: dynamic data

data Dynamic where
    Dyn :: TypeRep a -> a -> Dynamic

-- | Inject a value of a @Representable@ type into @Dynamic@.
toDynamic :: Representable a => a -> Dynamic
toDynamic = Dyn typeRep

-- | Cast a @Dynamic@ into a @Representable@ type.
fromDynamic :: Representable a => Dynamic -> Maybe a
fromDynamic = fromDynamic' typeRep

fromDynamic' :: TypeRep a -> Dynamic -> Maybe a
fromDynamic' :: TypeRep a -> Dynamic -> Maybe a
fromDynamic' target (Dyn source value) = cast source target value


{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
import Data.List (intercalate)

-- And now, I believe this is very close to what you want...
data Schema where
    Field :: TypeRep a -> Schema
    Object :: [Schema] -> Schema
    Array :: Schema -> Schema

deriving instance Show (TypeRep a)
deriving instance Show (Schema)

example :: Schema
example = Object [Field (List Char), Field Integer]

describeSchema :: Schema -> String
describeSchema (Field t) = "Field of type " ++ show t
describeSchema (Array s) = "Array of type " ++ show s
describeSchema (Object schemata) = 
    "an Object with these schemas: " 
        ++ intercalate ", " (map describeSchema schemata)

这样,describeSchema example产生"an Object with these schemas: Field of type List Char, Field of type Integer".

于 2012-08-03T21:19:59.183 回答