我正在尝试实现一个重试由于临时原因失败的 ajax 请求的系统。在我的情况下,它是关于在调用恢复会话的刷新 Web 服务之后重试由于会话已过期而失败并显示 401 状态代码的请求。

问题是在成功重试时不会调用“完成”回调,这与调用的“成功”ajax 选项回调不同。我在下面做了一个简单的例子:

$.ajaxSetup({statusCode: {
    404: function() {
        this.url = '/existent_url';

    url: '/inexistent_url',
    success: function() { alert('success'); }
.done(function() {

有没有办法在成功重试时调用完成式回调?我知道延迟被“拒绝”后无法“解决”,是否可以防止拒绝?或者也许将原始 deferred 的 doneList 复制到新的 deferred?我没有想法:)

下面是一个更现实的例子,我试图将所有 401 拒绝的请求排队,并在成功调用 /refresh 后重试它们。

var refreshRequest = null,
    waitingRequests = null;

var expiredTokenHandler = function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {

    //only the first rejected request will fire up the /refresh call
    if(!refreshRequest) {
        waitingRequests = $.Deferred();
        refreshRequest = $.ajax({
            url: '/refresh',
            success: function(data) {
                // session refreshed, good
                refreshRequest = null;
            error: function(data) {
                // session can't be saved
                alert('Your session has expired. Sorry.');

    // put the current request into the waiting queue
    (function(request) {
        waitingRequests.done(function() {
            // retry the request

$.ajaxSetup({statusCode: {
    401: expiredTokenHandler

该机制有效,401 失败的请求被第二次触发,问题是它们的“完成”回调没有被调用,因此应用程序停止。


5 回答 5


您可以使用jQuery.ajaxPrefilter将 jqXHR 包装在另一个延迟对象中。

我做了一个例子jsFiddle来说明它可以工作,并尝试调整你的一些代码来处理 401 到这个版本:

$.ajaxPrefilter(function(opts, originalOpts, jqXHR) {
    // you could pass this option in on a "retry" so that it doesn't
    // get all recursive on you.
    if (opts.refreshRequest) {

    // our own deferred object to handle done/fail callbacks
    var dfd = $.Deferred();

    // if the request works, return normally

    // if the request fails, do something else
    // yet still resolve
    jqXHR.fail(function() {
        var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
        if (jqXHR.status === 401) {
                url: '/refresh',
                refreshRequest: true,
                error: function() {
                    // session can't be saved
                    alert('Your session has expired. Sorry.');
                    // reject with the original 401 data
                    dfd.rejectWith(jqXHR, args);
                success: function() {
                    // retry with a copied originalOpts with refreshRequest.
                    var newOpts = $.extend({}, originalOpts, {
                        refreshRequest: true
                    // pass this one on to our deferred pass or fail.
                    $.ajax(newOpts).then(dfd.resolve, dfd.reject);

        } else {
            dfd.rejectWith(jqXHR, args);

    // NOW override the jqXHR's promise functions with our deferred
    return dfd.promise(jqXHR);

这是有效的,因为deferred.promise(object)实际上会覆盖 jqXHR 上的所有“承诺方法”。

注意:对于其他发现此问题的人,如果您使用ajax 选项success:和在其中附加回调,则此代码段将无法按您期望的方式工作。它假定唯一的回调是使用jqXHR的和方法附加的回调。error:.done(callback).fail(callback)

于 2012-09-16T11:07:30.447 回答

正如 gnarf 的回答所指出的那样,成功和错误回调的行为不会像预期的那样。如果有人对这里感兴趣的话,是一个支持回调successerror承诺样式事件的版本。

$.ajaxPrefilter(function (options, originalOptions, jqXHR) {

    // Don't infinitely recurse
    originalOptions._retry = isNaN(originalOptions._retry)
        ? Common.auth.maxExpiredAuthorizationRetries
        : originalOptions._retry - 1;

    // set up to date authorization header with every request
    jqXHR.setRequestHeader("Authorization", Common.auth.getAuthorizationHeader());

    // save the original error callback for later
    if (originalOptions.error)
        originalOptions._error = originalOptions.error;

    // overwrite *current request* error callback
    options.error = $.noop();

    // setup our own deferred object to also support promises that are only invoked
    // once all of the retry attempts have been exhausted
    var dfd = $.Deferred();

    // if the request fails, do something else yet still resolve
    jqXHR.fail(function () {
        var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);

        if (jqXHR.status === 401 && originalOptions._retry > 0) {

            // refresh the oauth credentials for the next attempt(s)
            // (will be stored and returned by Common.auth.getAuthorizationHeader())

            // retry with our modified
            $.ajax(originalOptions).then(dfd.resolve, dfd.reject);

        } else {
            // add our _error callback to our promise object
            if (originalOptions._error)
            dfd.rejectWith(jqXHR, args);

    // NOW override the jqXHR's promise functions with our deferred
    return dfd.promise(jqXHR);
于 2012-10-11T13:25:40.417 回答

我为这个用例创建了一个jQuery 插件。它将 gnarf 的答案中描述的逻辑包装在一个插件中,并且还允许您指定在再次尝试 ajax 调用之前等待的超时时间。例如。

//this will try the ajax call three times in total 
//if there is no error, the success callbacks will be fired immediately
//if there is an error after three attempts, the error callback will be called


//this has the same sematics as above, except will 
//wait 3 seconds between attempts
$.ajax(options).retry({times:3, timeout:3000}).retry(3).then(function(){
于 2012-09-16T19:49:29.010 回答

这样的事情对你有用吗?你只需要返回你自己的 Deferred/Promise,这样原始的就不会被太快拒绝。

示例/测试用法:http: //jsfiddle.net/4LT2a/3/

function doSomething() {
    var dfr = $.Deferred();

    (function makeRequest() {
            url: "someurl",
            dataType: "json",
            success: dfr.resolve,
            error: function( jqXHR ) {
                if ( jqXHR.status === 401 ) {
                    return makeRequest( this );

                dfr.rejectWith.apply( this, arguments );

    return dfr.promise();
于 2012-09-13T03:16:29.047 回答



        var retryLimit = 3;
        var tryCount = 0;
        function callAjax(payload) {
            var newSaveRequest = $.ajax({
                url: '/survey/save',
                type: 'POST',
                data: payload,
                headers: {
                    'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
                error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                    if (textStatus !== 'abort') {
                        console.log('Error on ' + thisAnswerRequestNum, xhr, textStatus, errorThrown);
                        if (tryCount <= retryLimit) {
                            sleep(2000).then(function () {
                                if ($.inArray(thisAnswerRequestNum, abortedRequestIds) === -1) {
                                    console.log('Trying again ' + thisAnswerRequestNum);
                                    callAjax(payload);//try again
            newSaveRequest.then(function (data) {
                var newData = self.getDiffFromObjects(recentSurveyData, data);
                console.log("Answer was recorded " + thisAnswerRequestNum, newData);//, data, JSON.stringify(data)
                recentSurveyData = data;
            self.previousQuizAnswerAjax = newSaveRequest;
            self.previousQuizAnswerIter = thisAnswerRequestNum;

function sleep(milliseconds) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds));

基本上,我只是将整个 Ajax 调用及其回调封装一个可以递归调用的函数中。

于 2017-03-01T21:16:15.263 回答