我需要通过选择一个字符串来突出显示所有出现的字符串,特别是 div,一旦我选择一个单词并单击一个按钮,它需要突出显示它在 div 内的所有出现,

例如 - 如果我选择


它应该突出显示板球是游戏的所有事件,有些可能就像这个 板球是游戏或板球 是游戏



8 回答 8


您可以TextRange在 IE 和window.find()其他浏览器中使用浏览器为您完成繁重的工作。


或者,James Padolsey 最近发布了一个我没有使用过但看起来可以提供帮助的脚本:http: //james.padolsey.com/javascript/replacing-text-in-the-dom-solved/

于 2012-08-03T09:17:52.850 回答

mark.js似乎很适合这个。这是我的 3 行小提琴,用于获取 html“字符串”并突出显示搜索字符串。

$(document).ready(function() {
    var html_string = "<b>Major Tom to groundcontrol.</b> Earth is blue <span> and there's something </span> i can do";

    var with_highlight = $("<div/>").html(html_string).mark("can");


链接到 jsfiddle

于 2016-10-20T06:15:29.540 回答



highlightSearchTerms此脚本的功能中var bodyText = document.body.innerHTML;,您可以将其替换为除法,然后它将为您完成任务..

 * This is the function that actually highlights a text string by
 * adding HTML tags before and after all occurrences of the search
 * term. You can pass your own tags if you'd like, or if the
 * highlightStartTag or highlightEndTag parameters are omitted or
 * are empty strings then the default <font> tags will be used.
function doHighlight(bodyText, searchTerm, highlightStartTag, highlightEndTag) 
  // the highlightStartTag and highlightEndTag parameters are optional
  if ((!highlightStartTag) || (!highlightEndTag)) {
    highlightStartTag = "<font style='color:blue; background-color:yellow;'>";
    highlightEndTag = "</font>";

  // find all occurences of the search term in the given text,
  // and add some "highlight" tags to them (we're not using a
  // regular expression search, because we want to filter out
  // matches that occur within HTML tags and script blocks, so
  // we have to do a little extra validation)
  var newText = "";
  var i = -1;
  var lcSearchTerm = searchTerm.toLowerCase();
  var lcBodyText = bodyText.toLowerCase();

  while (bodyText.length > 0) {
    i = lcBodyText.indexOf(lcSearchTerm, i+1);
    if (i < 0) {
      newText += bodyText;
      bodyText = "";
    } else {
      // skip anything inside an HTML tag
      if (bodyText.lastIndexOf(">", i) >= bodyText.lastIndexOf("<", i)) {
        // skip anything inside a <script> block
        if (lcBodyText.lastIndexOf("/script>", i) >= lcBodyText.lastIndexOf("<script", i)) {
          newText += bodyText.substring(0, i) + highlightStartTag + bodyText.substr(i, searchTerm.length) + highlightEndTag;
          bodyText = bodyText.substr(i + searchTerm.length);
          lcBodyText = bodyText.toLowerCase();
          i = -1;

  return newText;
 * This is sort of a wrapper function to the doHighlight function.
 * It takes the searchText that you pass, optionally splits it into
 * separate words, and transforms the text on the current web page.
 * Only the "searchText" parameter is required; all other parameters
 * are optional and can be omitted.
function highlightSearchTerms(searchText, treatAsPhrase, warnOnFailure, highlightStartTag, highlightEndTag)
  // if the treatAsPhrase parameter is true, then we should search for 
  // the entire phrase that was entered; otherwise, we will split the
  // search string so that each word is searched for and highlighted
  // individually
  if (treatAsPhrase) {
    searchArray = [searchText];
  } else {
    searchArray = searchText.split(" ");

  if (!document.body || typeof(document.body.innerHTML) == "undefined") {
    if (warnOnFailure) {
      alert("Sorry, for some reason the text of this page is unavailable. Searching will not work.");
    return false;

  var bodyText = document.body.innerHTML;
  for (var i = 0; i < searchArray.length; i++) {
    bodyText = doHighlight(bodyText, searchArray[i], highlightStartTag, highlightEndTag);

  document.body.innerHTML = bodyText;
  return true;

 * This displays a dialog box that allows a user to enter their own
 * search terms to highlight on the page, and then passes the search
 * text or phrase to the highlightSearchTerms function. All parameters
 * are optional.
function searchPrompt(defaultText, treatAsPhrase, textColor, bgColor)
  // This function prompts the user for any words that should
  // be highlighted on this web page
  if (!defaultText) {
    defaultText = "";

  // we can optionally use our own highlight tag values
  if ((!textColor) || (!bgColor)) {
    highlightStartTag = "";
    highlightEndTag = "";
  } else {
    highlightStartTag = "<font style='color:" + textColor + "; background-color:" + bgColor + ";'>";
    highlightEndTag = "</font>";

  if (treatAsPhrase) {
    promptText = "Please enter the phrase you'd like to search for:";
  } else {
    promptText = "Please enter the words you'd like to search for, separated by spaces:";

  searchText = prompt(promptText, defaultText);

  if (!searchText)  {
    alert("No search terms were entered. Exiting function.");
    return false;

  return highlightSearchTerms(searchText, treatAsPhrase, true, highlightStartTag, highlightEndTag);
于 2012-08-03T06:36:33.373 回答

这应该让你开始:http: //jsfiddle.net/wDN5M/

function getSelText() {
  var txt = '';
  if (window.getSelection) {
    txt = window.getSelection();
  } else if (document.getSelection) {
        txt = document.getSelection();
  } else if (document.selection) {
    txt = document.selection.createRange().text;
  document.getElementById('mydiv').innerHTML = document.getElementById('mydiv').innerHTML.split(txt).join('<span class="highlight">' + txt + '</span>');

请参阅:使用 jQuery 在页面上(不在文本区域中)获取选定的文本

如果您希望它跨元素边界工作,您的代码将需要比这更多的参与。在进行必要的 DOM 遍历和操作时, jQuery将使您的生活更轻松。

于 2012-08-03T06:40:13.427 回答

我会使用 jQuery 遍历 div 中的所有元素(不知道 div 中是否还有其他元素),然后使用正则表达式并进行贪婪匹配以查找文本中所有出现的选定字符串在元素中。

于 2012-08-03T06:30:02.627 回答

首先,您需要在所需文本中找到所需的子字符串,并用 <span class="search-highlight"> 将它们包装起来。每次您需要突出显示另一个字符串时,您只需获取所有 .search-highlight 跨度并将它们的 outerHtml 转换为 innerHtml。所以代码将接近:

function highLight(substring, block) {
   $(block).find(".search-highlight").each(function () {
   // now the block is free from previous highlights

   $(block).html($(block).html().replace(/substring/g, '<span class="search-highlight">' + substring + '</span>'));
于 2012-08-03T06:41:07.573 回答
<form id=f1 name="f1" action="" 
onSubmit="if(this.t1.value!=null && this.t1.value!='')
findString(this.t1.value);return false"
<input type="text" id=t1 name=t1size=20>
<input type="submit" name=b1 value="Find">
var TRange=null;

function findString (str) {
 if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)<4) return;
 var strFound;
 if (window.find) {


  if (!strFound) {
   while (self.find(str,0,1)) continue;
 else if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft")!=-1) {


  if (TRange!=null) {
   if (strFound) TRange.select();
  if (TRange==null || strFound==0) {
   if (strFound) TRange.select();
 else if (navigator.appName=="Opera") {
  alert ("Opera browsers not supported, sorry...")
 if (!strFound) alert ("String '"+str+"' not found!")
于 2013-07-28T12:59:31.337 回答

最好使用 JavaScript str.replace() 函数然后 window.find() 来查找过滤器值的所有出现。遍历整个页面可能有点复杂,但如果你想在父 div 或表中搜索 str.replace() 就更简单了。

在您的示例中,您只有一个 DIV,这更简单。这是我要做的(让你的 DIV 有一个 ID:myDIV):

        //Searching for "District Court"
        var filter = "District Court";  

        //Here we create the highlight with html tag: <mark> around filter
        var span = '<mark>' + filter + '</mark>';

        //take the content of the DIV you want to highlight
        var searchInthisDiv =   document.getElementById("MyDiv");
        var textInDiv       =   searchInthisDiv.innerHTML;

        //needed this var for replace function, do the replace (the highlighting)
        var highlighted     =   textInDiv.replace(filter,span); 
        textInDiv.innerHTML =   highlighted;

诀窍是用标签内有过滤器的跨度替换搜索字符串。str.replace 替换所有出现的搜索字符串,因此无需费心循环。Loop 可用于循环遍历 DIV 或其他 DOM 元素。

于 2020-05-19T09:26:32.533 回答