I have WebDAV access to a filesystem where I can't write to the root of the filesystem, but can write to 2 folders beneath it. I'd like to:

  1. track my changes in a single DVCS repo (git/hg preferred)
  2. work directly on the WebDAV connection rather than constantly pulling changes into it (this would hurt my workflow quite a bit)

Assume the directory structure is:

$ ls -lR root
drwxr-xr-x  folder1
drwxr-xr-x  folder2

-rw-r--r--  file1.txt

-rw-r--r--  file2.txt

I can't create a repo at the root level because it is not writable. I can't symlink folder1 and folder2 into a local folder because git and hg don't follow symlinks. The symlinks would be ideal because of the speed benefits of having all the repo info stored locally.


2 回答 2


您能否在本地(可写)根目录中创建一个 mercurial 存储库,然后让 folder1 和 folder2 分别成为单独的子存储库?Mercurial 的内置 subrepo 支持已经从 1.3 的 beta 升级到 1.4 的相当不错的版本。

于 2010-01-02T04:31:15.127 回答


如何让 git 遵循符号链接?

显然旧版本的 git(1.6.0 和更早版本)确实遵循符号链接。这对你有用吗?您可能必须安装该版本的 git,但听起来只要能够做您想做的事就可以弥补需要使用旧版本的需要。


于 2009-07-25T04:39:27.273 回答