Trying to extend AbsolutePanel, my UiBinder won't allow the <g:at> element which is normally ok for straight AbsolutePanels. How do I make my AbsolutePanel subclass able to use the <g:at> element? And more generally, can I make custom UiBinder keywords for my own custom Widgets like "at", "west", "layer" etc.?


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You can use @UiChild to declare special functions in your widgets accessible in UiBinders.

for example,

class MyPanel extends AbsolutePanel {

    public void addAt(Widget w, String parameter1, String parameter2) {

Then, in your uiBinder, you can say

    <custom:at parameter1="HI" parameter2="Anything you like!">
        <g:AnySingleWidget />

See @UiChild at http://google-web-toolkit.googlecode.com/svn/javadoc/latest/com/google/gwt/uibinder/client/UiChild.html

于 2012-08-02T21:15:26.720 回答