tradeName quote source quantity price
Google GOOG Goldman Sachs 15 610
Microsoft MSFT Barclays 400 28
Google GOOG Goldman Sachs 45 610
Google GOOG Goldman Sachs 40 610
Microsoft MSFT Barclays 1000 28
tradeName quote source quantity price
Google GOOG Goldman Sachs 100 610
Microsoft MSFT Barclays 1400 28
for (Trade trade : tradeList)
//Not sure how to compare this.trade.source with all sources
//of all trades present in the trade.
//Logic should be if source matches then quantity should be added
//but am not sure how comparison would work.
Class Trade
private tradeName;
private quote;
private source;
private quantity;
private price;
//Getters and Setters for each of above mentioned attributes.