我正在从在线教程中学习 Python。我的问题是,当我运行脚本时,无论我输入什么,我得到的响应都是 if go == "kitchen"...
def go_to():
go = raw_input("Go to? ")
if go == Kitchen or breakfast:
print "You rumble down stairs and into the kitchen. Your mom has left some microwaved waffles on the table for you. Your big boy step sits by the counter."
elif go == "back to bed" or "back to sleep" or bed or sleep:
print "You hit snooze and roll over."
elif go == "bathroom" or "toilet" or "potty" or "pee" or "poop" or "take a sh*t" or "take a dump" or "drop a load":
print "You make a stop at the head first."
print "That is not a command I understand."