我正在尝试构建能够传输文件的简单 Web 服务器。
我知道,有很多示例,但是对于从未使用过 HTTP 的人来说,其中大多数都太复杂而无法理解

    public Hashtable MimeTypes = new Hashtable();

    public HttpServer(int port)
        this.port = port;

        MimeTypes.Add("html", "text/html");
        MimeTypes.Add("htm", "text/html");
        MimeTypes.Add("css", "text/css");
        MimeTypes.Add("js", "application/x-javascript");

        MimeTypes.Add("png", "image/png");
        MimeTypes.Add("gif", "image/gif");
        MimeTypes.Add("jpg", "image/jpeg");
        MimeTypes.Add("jpeg", "image/jpeg");

    public void writeSuccess(string mime_type, string file_name, int file_size)
        outputStream.Write("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n");
        outputStream.Write("Content-Type: " + mime_type + "\n");

        if (file_name != null)//if file name isn't null, this mean we need to add additional headers
            outputStream.Write("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" + file_name);
            outputStream.Write("Content-Length: " + file_size);

        outputStream.Write("Connection: close\n");

public override void handleGETRequest(HttpProcessor p)
    Console.WriteLine("request: {0}", p.http_url);

    byte[] file_content = null;

    try { file_content = File.ReadAllBytes(work_folder + p.http_url); } //tring to read requested file
    catch (Exception exc) { p.writeFailure(); return; } //return failure if no such file

    string[] splitted_html_url = p.http_url.Split(new char[] { '.' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries ); //splitting url for future format check

    string mime_type = "application/octet-stream"; //the most generic type

    if (MimeTypes.Contains(splitted_html_url[splitted_html_url.Length - 1]))
        mime_type = (string)MimeTypes[splitted_html_url[splitted_html_url.Length - 1]]; //set mimy type that math to requested file format

    if (mime_type.Contains("image") || mime_type == "application/octet-stream") //hacky thing for tests...
        p.writeSuccess(mime_type, p.http_url.Remove(0, 1), file_content.Length); //if mime type is image or unknown, than pass file name and length to responce builder
        p.writeSuccess(mime_type, null, 0); //er else just add general headers

    p.outputStream.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(file_content)); //write file content after headers

它适用于 HTML 传输,但我不能让它传输图像 :(
如果我用这个标签制作 html 页面:

<img src = "logo225x90.gif" width = "100%" height = "100%" />



1 回答 1



  • 您假设您可以避免示例代码的所有复杂性。
  • 与其粘贴你的代码并让别人做你的工作,你应该对自己进行有关 HTTP 的教育——这对于你的任务范围来说应该不会太难
  • 您正在编写代码来执行可以由运行您的代码的 IIS 完成的操作(如果您在 IIS 上运行您的代码)
  • 您正在将文件写为字符串p.outputStream.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(file_content)); //write file content after headers


于 2012-08-02T15:39:12.163 回答