Just wanted to know if it's possible to create a custom block in Drupal 7 without using the block hooks hook_block_info() or hook_block_configure() etc.
My requirement is adding dynamic blocks to the Drupal system.
Thanks in advance...
Just wanted to know if it's possible to create a custom block in Drupal 7 without using the block hooks hook_block_info() or hook_block_configure() etc.
My requirement is adding dynamic blocks to the Drupal system.
Thanks in advance...
=================== 编辑======================
如果您尝试以编程方式执行此操作,请查看 block 模块是如何做到的!在 Drupal 7 中,这将是modules/block/block.admin.inc 中的block_add_block_form_submit()函数。这是当您通过上面#1 中的管理表单创建块时处理表单的函数。您可以使用该代码创建任意数量的块。请注意,它只是将所有必要的信息放入数据库中,而不调用任何其他函数。
好的,我实际上是在寻找动态创建一个块。如果将来有人需要这个帖子,这里的帖子可能会有用:http: //drupal.org/node/1709954