我正在为我的网站使用超级鱼菜单(使用 Silverstripe),请参阅此处的超级鱼菜单示例。
该网站一切正常,但联系页面,似乎每次我输入 $contactUsForm 时,联系页面都会首先尝试加载联系表格,超级鱼菜单中的向下箭头消失了几秒钟,菜单移向左。然后出现箭头,并且在表单加载后菜单再次移动到正常位置。
这是我的 ContactPage.php,如果需要,我可以在此处添加更多代码。
static $db = array(
"Phone" => "Varchar",
"Email" => "Varchar",
"Address" => "Text",
"Thanks" => "Text",
"Long" => "Int",
"Lat" => "Int",
//added for google map 04012012
"EmbedCode" => "HTMLText"
static $has_one = array(
function getCMSFields() {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Content.ContactDetails', new TextField('Phone'));
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Content.ContactDetails', new TextField('Email'));
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Content.ContactDetails', new TextareaField('Address','Address',8,3));
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Content.ContactDetails', new TextareaField('Thanks','Thank You Message',8,3));
#$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Content.Main', new TextField('Long'));
#$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Content.Main', new TextField('Lat'));
//added for google map 04012012
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Content.ContactDetails', new TextareaField('EmbedCode', 'Embed Code'));
return $fields;
function HasSentContact() {
return (isset( $_GET['sent'] ) ) ? true : false;
function onBeforeWrite() {
$this->EmbedCode = str_replace("></iframe>", "> </iframe>", $this->EmbedCode);
class ContactPage_Controller extends Page_Controller {
public function init() {
function contactUsForm() {
$recaptchaField = new RecaptchaField('MyCaptcha');
$recaptchaField->jsOptions = array('theme' => 'white'); // optional it changes the look added 07122011
// Create fields
$fields = new FieldSet(
new TextField('Name'),
new TextField('Surname'),
new TextField('Email', 'Email Address'),
new TextField('Phone', 'Phone Number'),
new TextareaField('Message', 'Enquiry'),
new LabelField('MyCaptcha', 'Please enter the characters below'),
//new PhpCaptchaField(),
//new HeaderField ("Please Enter What You See Here, it's not case sensitive", "6")
// Create actions
$actions = new FieldSet(
new FormAction('doContactUs', 'Submit')
//valididate fields
$validator = new RequiredFields('Name', 'Email', 'Message');
return new Form($this, 'contactUsForm', $fields, $actions, $validator);
function doContactUs($data, $form) {
$from = $data['Email'];
$to = $this->Email;
$subject = 'Contact Us Form';
$body = $data['Name'].' '.$data['Surname'].'\n'.$data['Email'].'\n'.$data['Phone'].'\n\n'.$data['Message'];
$email = new Email($from, $to, $subject, $body);
<div id="intro">
<h1 id="h1_home">$Title</h1>
<% if HasSentContact %>
<div id="Form">
<% else %>
<div id="Form">
<% end_if %>
<div id="Details">
<h3>GOOGLE MAP</h3>
<!--added 05012011, added divs-->
<div id="googlemap"> {$EmbedCode} </div>
<div id="contactinfo">
<h3>Contact Info</h3>
<table class="alignRight">
<td class="width200 alignLeft">Phone</td>
<td class="alignLeft">Email</td>
<td><a href="mailto:{$Email}">{$Email}</a></td>
<td class="alignLeft">Address</td>
</div><!-- contactinfo -->