我有一个模块(module1)和一个用户表单(userform1)。我在 userform1 中创建了一个集合(或数组)并将工作表对象添加到该数组中。然后我将控制权传递给 module1,它调用 userform1 中一个名为 addNewFile 的子程序,它应该将新创建的工作簿添加到集合中。但是,每次 module1 调用 addNewFile 时,我都会遇到以下两种情况之一:1)集合已被删除,所有已添加的工作表现在都消失了(对于集合),2)我收到一条错误消息,指出我的类型不匹配(对于一个数组)。我不知道为什么会这样,所以下面的代码可以更好地说明。任何帮助将不胜感激,即使只是告诉我不可能将工作表对象存储在数组中。
Dim workBooksCollection as New Collection 'can also define as an array
Private Sub CommandButton1_click()
Dim mainWorkBook as workbook
Set mainWorkBook = ActiveWorkbook
Dim testwb As Workbook
workBooksCollection.Add Item:=mainWorkBook, key:="main" 'Adds successfully
workBooksCollection.Add Item:=testwb, key:="test" 'Adds successfully
MsgBox "the size of the array is: " & usedWorkBooks.Count 'Prints off as size 2
'After running initialize, prints off as size 0, meaning collection has been erased
MsgBox "the size of the array is: " & usedWorkBooks.Count 'Prints off as size 0
End Sub
Public Sub addNewFile(filepath As String, sheetKey As String)
Dim newWorkBook As Workbook
Set newWorkBook = Workbooks.Open(filepath)
MsgBox "The name of the workbook is: " & newWorkBook.name 'Prints off name of workbook successfully
workBooksCollection.Add Item:=newWorkBook, key:=sheetKey
MsgBox "the size of the array is: " & workBooksCollection.Count 'Prints off as size 1
End Sub
Public Sub intialize()
Dim filepath as string
'The filepath is set to any path of a workbook
'This will print out that the array size is 1
UserForm1.addNewFile filePath, "secondBook"
End Sub