我的问题发生在 da.Update(dt)。我收到“OleDbException 未处理,INSERT INTO 语句中的语法错误”错误。当我使用没有字段名称且只有 10 列的基本表时,它起作用了,但现在我有 25 个项目,它不起作用。
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim ds As New DataSet
con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source= C:\TPComplete.accdb;Persist Security Info=False;"
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter
da = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM DReview", con)
Dim newRow As DataRow = dt.NewRow
newRow.Item("Caller") = Caller
newRow.Item("Associate Name") = Associate
newRow.Item("Store Number") = "1"
newRow.Item("Number of Rings") = Ring
newRow.Item("Time on Hold") = HoldTime
newRow.Item("Greeting: 3 or fewer rings") = GreetingRings
newRow.Item("Greeting: Asked for your name") = GreetingAskName
newRow.Item("Greeting: Offered his/her name") = GreetingOfferedName
newRow.Item("Greeting: Mentioned TIRE PROS in the greeting") = GreetingTirePros
newRow.Item("Greeting: Associated acted like they are glad") = GreetingGlad
newRow.Item("Hold for longer than 1 minute") = holdUpdate
newRow.Item("Ask for the type of car AND look up the size") = LookupSize
newRow.Item("Ask appropriate questions about the type of driving") = DailyDriving
newRow.Item("1st Price Mentioned") = SingleTirePrice
newRow.Item("1st OTD Price Mentioned") = SingleTireOutDoorPrice
newRow.Item("Tire Brand") = TireBrand
newRow.Item("Tire Model") = TireModel
newRow.Item("Offered several tire choices and prices") = SeveralChoices
newRow.Item("Did they offer financing options") = Financing
newRow.Item("Mentioned benefits of the location") = Benefits
newRow.Item("Appointment") = Appointment
newRow.Item("How long does it take to put them on") = InstallTime
newRow.Item("Associate Score") = AssociateScore
newRow.Item("Time Completed") = hms
newRow.Item("Completed Date") = ymd
Dim cb As New OleDbCommandBuilder(da)