因此,我使用 phoneGap/Cordova 和 Jquery mobile 为 iPad 设计了这个应用程序。
在研究了如何在方向变化时更改图像并浏览 Stack Overflow 的史诗资源之后。我实现了这段代码。
// The event for orientation change
var onChanged = function () {
// The orientation
var orientation = window.orientation,
// If landscape, then use "land" otherwise use "port"
image = orientation == 90 || orientation == -90 ? "landscape" : "portrait";
// Insert the image
$('#introimg').html('<img src="images/appimages/' + image + '-intro-page.png">');
// Bind the orientation change event and bind onLoad
$(window).bind(orientationEvent, onChanged).bind('load', onChanged);
<div data-role="page" id="intro">
<div data-role="content" class="mycontent" data-theme="a">
<div id="introimg">
<img src="images/appimages/portrait-intro-page.png" alt="" width="768" height="1004" id="imglayer1" />
<br />
<p id="imglayer2"><a href="#help" data-role="button" data-inline="true" data-theme="a">Start designing</a></p>