嗨,我是 saleforce 顶点编码的新手,我编写了一个触发器,它在潜在客户转换时将自定义对象传输到帐户和联系人。(交易/报价)。我已经为它编写了触发器和测试代码,但我被困在 35% 的代码覆盖率上,你能指出我哪里出错了吗
trigger TransferDeals on Lead (after update) {
Map<Id, Lead> leadMap = new Map<Id,Lead>();
Lead parent;
for (Integer i = 0; i < Trigger.new.size(); i++){
if (Trigger.new[i].IsConverted == true && Trigger.old[i].isConverted == false) {
leadMap.put( Trigger.new[i].Id, Trigger.new[i]);
if( leadMap.size() > 0 ) {
Set<Id> leadIds = leadMap.keySet();
List<Deal_Offer__c> allChildren =
[select Id, Account__c, Contact__c, Lead__c from Deal_Offer__c where lead__c in :leadIds];
for ( Deal_Offer__c child : allChildren ) {
if ( leadMap.containsKey( child.Lead__c ) ) {
// lookup the parent lead
parent = leadMap.get( child.Lead__c );
// update the fields on the child object
child.account__c = parent.ConvertedAccountId;
child.Contact__c = parent.ConvertedContactId;
//try {
update allChildren;
// } catch( Exception e ) {
// could put something here to notify on error
// otherwise it fails silently
// }
} }
private class Leadtriggertest {
static testMethod void verifyAccount(){
// Perform our data preparation.
List<Lead> leads = new List<Lead>{};
List<Deal_Offer__c> deals = new List<Deal_Offer__c>{};
for(Integer i = 0; i < 200; i++){
Lead a = new Lead(LastName = 'TestLead ' + i,Company = 'TesCompany' + i,IsConverted=false);
Deal_Offer__c b = new Deal_Offer__c(Name = 'TestDeal' + i,Lead__c = a.Id);
insert leads;
insert deals;
Map<Id, Lead> leadMap = new Map<Id,Lead>();
Set<Id> leadIds = leadMap.keySet();
List<Lead> allChildren = [select Id,LastName,IsConverted from Lead where Id in :leadIds];
for ( Lead child : allChildren ) {
child.Isconverted = true;
// Start the test, this changes governor limit context to
// that of trigger rather than test.
// Insert the Account records that cause the trigger to execute.
update Leads;
// Stop the test, this changes limit context back to test from trigger.
List<Deal_Offer__c> testdealsupdate =
[select Id, Account__c, Contact__c, Lead__c from Deal_Offer__c where lead__c in :leadIds];
List<echosign_dev1__SIGN_Agreement__c> testagreementupdate =
[select Id, echosign_dev1__Account__c, echosign_dev1__Recipient_Lead__c from echosign_dev1__SIGN_Agreement__c where echosign_dev1__Recipient_Lead__c in :leadIds];
List<Lead> leadcheckout =
[select Id,LastName,ConvertedAccountId,ConvertedContactId from Lead where Id in :leadIds];
Map<Id,Lead> leadmap2= new Map<Id,Lead>();
for(Lead c: leadcheckout){
leadmap2.put( c.Id, c);
for(Deal_offer__c a : testdealsupdate){
Lead b = leadMap2.get(a.Lead__c);
for(echosign_dev1__SIGN_Agreement__c a : testagreementupdate){
Lead b = leadMap2.get(a.echosign_dev1__Recipient_Lead__c);
System.assertEquals(a.echosign_dev1__Account__c ,b.ConvertedAccountId);