$.event.special.tap = {
tapholdThreshold: 750,
setup: function() {
var thisObject = this,
$this = $( thisObject );
$this.bind( "vmousedown", function( event ) {
if ( event.which && event.which !== 1 ) {
return false;
var origTarget = event.target,
origEvent = event.originalEvent,
/****************Modified Here**************************/
tapfired = false,
function clearTapTimer() {
clearTimeout( timer );
function clearTapHandlers() {
$this.unbind( "vclick", clickHandler )
.unbind( "vmouseup", clearTapTimer );
$( document ).unbind( "vmousecancel", clearTapHandlers );
function clickHandler( event ) {
// ONLY trigger a 'tap' event if the start target is
// the same as the stop target.
/****************Modified Here**************************/
//if ( origTarget === event.target) {
if ( origTarget === event.target && !tapfired) {
triggerCustomEvent( thisObject, "tap", event );
$this.bind( "vmouseup", clearTapTimer )
.bind( "vclick", clickHandler );
$( document ).bind( "vmousecancel", clearTapHandlers );
timer = setTimeout( function() {
tapfired = true;/****************Modified Here**************************/
triggerCustomEvent( thisObject, "taphold", $.Event( "taphold", { target: origTarget } ) );
}, $.event.special.tap.tapholdThreshold );
@Akash Budhia: Thanks for your solutions.
It's great, sounds it work for me!