
  • 我在 Eclipse 中构建我的应用程序
  • 在顶部菜单中,我转到“黑莓”>“签名”>“使用签名工具签名”
  • 当签名工具弹出点击'添加'选择构建中的cod文件
  • 单击“请求”,然后在我的 cod 文件旁边看到绿色“已签名”,签名为 RBB
  • 然后我使用 cmd 使用 C:\Java>JavaLoader.exe -u load myapp.cod 上传我的应用程序
  • 该应用程序显示在手机上,但在我点击它后,我收到一个错误“尝试访问安全 API”

我怀疑我应该针对我的 RCR 和 RRT 应用程序“签名”。我必须怎么做才能让这个说签名?



1 回答 1


首先在 Eclipse 上安装三个代码签名密钥。用于 Eclipse 用户的 BlackBerry JDE 插件:

Save all 3 .csi files in the same directory (each one will be sent in a separate email message).
Start Eclipse.
Click on the BlackBerry menu and choose Install Signature Keys.
Select one of the 3 .csi files saved in step 1 and click Open.
Click "Yes" to create a new key pair file.
Type a password for your private key of at least 8 characters, and type it again to confirm. This is your private key password, which protects your private key. Please remember this password as you will be prompted for it each time signing is attempted or a signature key is installed.
Move your mouse to generate date for a new private key.
In the Registration PIN" field, type the PIN number that you supplied on the signature key order form.
In the Private Key password field, type the password created in step 6.
Click Register .
Click Exit .
Repeat this process for the other csi files.

然后右键单击您的 Project -> Blackberry -> Sign with Signature Tool,然后它会提示输入密码。提供密码后,它将签署所有必要的文件。完成签名后,它将在 Eclipse 控制台中显示您签名的 Cod 文件的位置。

于 2012-08-01T11:58:36.927 回答