我刚刚在我的 Windows 桌面上安装了 VMWARE 和 RHEL 5.4。我不知道如何开始 - 关闭它,但我通过单击与 VMWARE 窗口关联的关闭按钮来做同样的事情。它声明一条确认消息以暂停我说“是”的虚拟机。

下次当我通过单击 VM 图标并选择“播放虚拟机”来启动 VMWARE 时,它会打开 VM 窗口。现在我尝试从桌面快捷菜单选项打开一个终端窗口 - 鼠标光标显示正在加载某些内容,但之后一切都保持原样。终端永远不会打开。鼠标指针返回正常箭头。



1 回答 1


You just suspended a VM. If you want to shutdown it - go to the VM menu and select "shutdown VM". There another menu item - "Power Off" if you select it and your RHEL VM have VMware Tools installed that the VM has a signal to power off gracefully (instead of simply switching off, which like to remove power coord).

于 2012-08-02T07:47:08.917 回答