和{0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0}
- 在索引 0、6、7 和 9 处有四个 0 的最小元素
- 这两个后面跟着一个 1(0 和 7 元素),两个后面跟着一个 0(6 和 9 元素)。请记住,数组是圆形的。
- 0 小于 1,所以我们只考虑 6 和 9 处的 0。
- 其中,从 6 开始的 3 个元素的序列是“001”,从 9 开始的序列也是“001”,所以它们仍然同样最小
- 查看 4 个元素的序列,我们从元素 6 开始有“0010”,从元素 9 开始有“0012”。因此,从 6 开始的序列更小,并返回 6。(我已经检查过是这种情况)。
int findStartOfMinimumSubsequence(int length, char circular_array[])
#define AccessWithOffset(index) circular_array[(index + offset) % length]
int indicesStillConsidered[length], count_left = length, indicator[length], minIndex = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < length; index++)
indicesStillConsidered[index] = index;
indicator[index] = 1;
// Keep increasing the offset between pairs of minima, until we have eliminated all of
// them or only have one left.
for (int offset = 0; count_left >= 2; offset++)
// Find the index of the minimal value for the next term in the sequence,
// starting at each of the starting indicesStillConsidered
minIndex = indicesStillConsidered[0];
for (int i=0; i<count_left; i++)
minIndex = AccessWithOffset(indicesStillConsidered[i])<AccessWithOffset(minIndex) ?
indicesStillConsidered[i] :
// Ensure that indicator is 0 for indices that have a non-minimal next in sequence
// For minimal indicesStillConsidered[i], we make indicator 0 1+offset away from the index.
// This prevents a subsequence of the current sequence being considered, which is just an efficiency saving.
for (int i=0; i<count_left; i++){
offsetIndexToSet = AccessWithOffset(indicesStillConsidered[i])!=AccessWithOffset(minIndex) ?
indicesStillConsidered[i] :
indicator[offsetIndexToSet] = 0;
// Copy the indices where indicator is true down to the start of the l array.
// Indicator being true means the index is a minimum and hasn't yet been eliminated.
for (int count_before=count_left, i=count_left=0; i<count_before; i++)
if (indicator[indicesStillConsidered[i]])
indicesStillConsidered[count_left++] = indicesStillConsidered[i];
return count_left == 1 ? indicesStillConsidered[0] : minIndex;