
tweet_id sp100_id nyse_date   user_id class_id retweets quality follow
1        1        2011-03-12  1       1        0        2.50    5.00
2        1        2011-03-13  1       2        2        2.50    5.00
3        1        2011-03-13  1       2        1        2.50    5.00
4        1        2011-03-13  2       2        0        0.75    1.00
5        1        2011-03-13  2       3        3        0.75    1.00
6        2        2011-03-12  2       2        3        0.75    1.00
7        2        2011-03-12  2       2        0        0.75    1.00
8        2        2011-03-12  1       3        5        2.50    5.00
9        2        2011-03-13  2       2        0        0.75    1.00

该表的所需输出是每个sp100_id加权_date的正(类 = 2)和负(类 = 3)推文数量的列表retweetsquality并且follow

sp100_id  nyse_date  pos-rt pos-quality pos-follow neg-rt neg-quality neg-follow
1         2011-03-11 0      0           0          0      0           0
1         2011-03-12 0      0           0          0      0           0
1         2011-03-13 3 (1)  5.75 (2)    11.00 (3)  3 (4)  0.75        1.00
2         2011-03-11 0      0           0          0      0           0
2         2011-03-12 3      1.50        10.00      5.00   2.50        2.50
2         2011-03-13 0      0.75        1.00       0      0           0

On 2011-03-13, 3 positive tweets for sp100_id 1:

(1) 1 tweet retweeted 2 times, 1 tweets retweeted 1 time and 
    1 tweet retweeted 0 times = 1 x 2 + 1 x 1 + 1 x 0 = 3
(2) 2 tweets with quality 2.50 and 1 tweet with quality 0.75 =
    2 x 2.50 + 1 x 0.75 = 5.75
(3) 2 tweets with follow 5 and 1 tweet with follow 1 =
    2 x 5.00 + 1 x 1.00 = 11.00

On 2011-03-13, 1 negative tweets for sp100_id 1:

(4) 1 tweet retweeted 3 times = 1 x 3 = 3



sp100_id  nyse_date  pos-rt pos-quality pos-follow neg-rt neg-quality neg-follow
1         2011-03-11 0      0           0          0      0           0
1         2011-03-12 3      2           2          5      3           5
1         2011-03-13 3      8           12         3      1           1
2         2011-03-11 0      0           0          0      0           0
2         2011-03-12 3      2           2          5      3           5
2         2011-03-13 3      8           12         3      1           1



2 回答 2


它没有返回预期值的原因是因为您还需要sp100.sp100_id = tweets.sp100_idLEFT JOIN条件中包含日期。

通过仅加入日期,它将加入表中的任何日期值,而不管sp100_id. 这就是为什么您的结果总和被丢弃的原因,因为对于 each sp100_id,它包括 s 中所有其他sp100_ids的值SUM()


SELECT     a.sp100_id,
           b._date AS nyse_date,
           SUM(IF(c.class=2, c.retweets, 0)) AS 'pos-rt',
           SUM(IF(c.class=2, c.quality,  0)) AS 'pos-quality',
           SUM(IF(c.class=2, c.follow,   0)) AS 'pos-follow',
           SUM(IF(c.class=3, c.retweets, 0)) AS 'neg-retweet',
           SUM(IF(c.class=3, c.quality,  0)) AS 'neg-quality',
           SUM(IF(c.class=3, c.follow,   0)) AS 'neg-follow'
FROM       sp100 a
CROSS JOIN daterange b
LEFT JOIN  tweets c ON a.sp100_id = c.sp100_id 
                   AND b._date = c .nyse_date
GROUP BY   a.sp100_id, 

SQLFiddle 演示

于 2012-08-01T10:51:36.613 回答



当您手动进行数学运算时,您错过了 3 月 13 日(最后一行)的一些值。

于 2012-08-01T09:06:11.200 回答