I tried to run unimrcpserver v1.0 with my asr plugin and it worked fine (on windows 7), but when I tried to run it in another machine (windows server 2003), I had this error message

2012-08-01 03:57:31:930875 [WARN]   Failed to Load DSO: This application has failed
 to start because the application configuration is incorrect. 
    Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

the server can not load the DLL library .. is this problem OS specific? cause the problem occurs in apr_dso_load() function which calls OS specific functions. what is meant by application configuration and how to solve this?


1 回答 1


您尝试加载的这个库会加载其他库吗?似乎找不到其他库。如果你在 windows 中使用依赖walker,如果你在 linux 中使用 ldd 来了解依赖关系。

于 2012-08-08T08:33:12.983 回答