我一直在尝试使用zipfileandshutil.make_archive模块递归地创建目录的 zip 文件。两个模块都工作得很好——除了空目录不会被添加到存档中。包含其他空目录的空目录也会被静默跳过。

我可以使用 7Zip 创建相同路径的存档并保留空目录。因此我知道这在文件格式本身是可能的。我只是不知道如何在 Python 中做到这一点。有任何想法吗?谢谢!


4 回答 4


有一个使用 zipfile 的示例:

import os, zipfile  
from os.path import join  
def zipfolder(foldername, filename, includeEmptyDIr=True):   
    empty_dirs = []  
    zip = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)  
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(foldername):  
        empty_dirs.extend([dir for dir in dirs if os.listdir(join(root, dir)) == []])  
        for name in files:  
            zip.write(join(root ,name))  
        if includeEmptyDIr:  
            for dir in empty_dirs:  
                zif = zipfile.ZipInfo(join(root, dir) + "/")  
                zip.writestr(zif, "")  
        empty_dirs = []  

if __name__ == "__main__":
    zipfolder('test1/noname/', 'zip.zip')
于 2012-08-01T02:55:15.380 回答

您需要注册一种新的存档格式来执行此操作,因为默认的 ZIP 存档程序不支持该格式。看看现有 ZIP 归档器的内容。制作您自己的存档器,使用该当前未使用的dirpath变量创建目录。我寻找如何创建一个空目录并找到了这个

zip.writestr(zipfile.ZipInfo('empty/'), '')


于 2012-08-01T02:54:14.807 回答

这是从使用 python 将文件夹添加到 zip 文件中提取的,但这是我尝试过的唯一有效的功能。作为答案列出的那个在 Python 2.7.3 下不起作用(不复制空目录并且效率低下)。以下是经过试验和测试的:

import os
import zipfile

def zipdir(dirPath=None, zipFilePath=None, includeDirInZip=True):

    if not zipFilePath:
        zipFilePath = dirPath + ".zip"
    if not os.path.isdir(dirPath):
        raise OSError("dirPath argument must point to a directory. "
        "'%s' does not." % dirPath)
    parentDir, dirToZip = os.path.split(dirPath)
    #Little nested function to prepare the proper archive path
    def trimPath(path):
        archivePath = path.replace(parentDir, "", 1)
        if parentDir:
            archivePath = archivePath.replace(os.path.sep, "", 1)
        if not includeDirInZip:
            archivePath = archivePath.replace(dirToZip + os.path.sep, "", 1)
        return os.path.normcase(archivePath)

    outFile = zipfile.ZipFile(zipFilePath, "w",
    for (archiveDirPath, dirNames, fileNames) in os.walk(dirPath):
        for fileName in fileNames:
            filePath = os.path.join(archiveDirPath, fileName)
            outFile.write(filePath, trimPath(filePath))
        #Make sure we get empty directories as well
        if not fileNames and not dirNames:
            zipInfo = zipfile.ZipInfo(trimPath(archiveDirPath) + "/")
            #some web sites suggest doing
            #zipInfo.external_attr = 16
            #zipInfo.external_attr = 48
            #Here to allow for inserting an empty directory.  Still TBD/TODO.
            outFile.writestr(zipInfo, "")
于 2012-12-19T11:54:41.203 回答
def zip_dir(src_dir, dst_zip, *, skip_suffixes=None, dry=False):
    import logging
    from pathlib import Path
    from os import walk
    from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
    from zipfile import ZipFile, ZipInfo

    _log = logging.getLogger(zip_dir.__name__)
    _sep = 50 * "-"

    skip_suffixes = skip_suffixes or []
    src_dir, dst_zip = Path(src_dir), Path(dst_zip)
    _log.info("zipping dir: '%s' to: '%s", str(src_dir), str(dst_zip))

    if not src_dir.exists():
        raise FileNotFoundError(str(src_dir))
    if not src_dir.is_dir():
        raise NotADirectoryError(str(src_dir))
    if dst_zip.exists():
        raise FileExistsError(str(dst_zip))

    with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
        tmp_zip_path = Path(tmp_dir).joinpath(dst_zip.name)

        with ZipFile(str(tmp_zip_path), mode="w") as zip_out:
            for root, dirs, files in walk(src_dir):
                root = Path(root)

                for folder in dirs:
                    folder = root.joinpath(folder)

                    # add empty folders to the zip
                    if not list(folder.iterdir()):
                        folder_name = f"{str(folder.relative_to(src_dir))}/"
                        _log.debug("empty dir: '%s'", folder_name)

                        if dry:

                        zip_out.writestr(ZipInfo(folder_name), "")

                for file in files:
                    file = root.joinpath(file)
                    _log.debug("adding:  '%s'", str(file))

                    should_skip = None
                    for suffix in file.suffixes:
                        if suffix in skip_suffixes:
                            should_skip = suffix

                    if should_skip:
                        _log.debug("skipped [%s]: %s", should_skip, str(file))

                    arcname = str(file.relative_to(src_dir))
                    _log.debug("arcname: '%s'", arcname)

                    if dry:

                    zip_out.write(str(file), arcname=arcname)

        if not dry:


if __name__ == '__main__':
    import logging
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s | %(levelname)8s | %(module)25s:%(lineno)-5s | %(message)s")

    zip_dir("/tmp/opera_profile", "opera_profile.zip", skip_suffixes=[".log"], dry=True)
于 2019-11-22T03:35:07.433 回答